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Puntuación de los alimentos

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Listado hecho por Recetas_WW con la actualización de Enero de 2.014
NOTA: Los alimentos con j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gify 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif, se pueden utilizar puntuando de acuerdo con los gramos o por un valor fijo (5 PP las proteínas, 7 PP los hidratos de carbono), hasta quedarnos satisfechas. Es lo que WW denomina "a saciedad".

Aceites, mantequillas y otras materias grasas

Aceite, todo tipo
- 1 ct, 4 g...1
- 1 Cd, 12 g...3
Manteca de cerdo/oca
- 1 ct,5 g...1
- 1 Cd, 15 g...4
- con o sin sal
* 1 ct, 5 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...3
- extraligera (20% MG)
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 1 Cd, 15 g...1
- común
* 1 ct, 5 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...2
- 3/4 vegetal
* 1 ct, 5 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...2
- light
* 2 ct, 10 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...2
* 2 Cd, 30 g...3
- vegetal enriquecida
* 1 ct, 5 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...3


- negras, 4 uds, 12 g...1
- rellenas, 5 uds, 20 g...1
- verdes, 8 uds, 32 g...1
Altramuces, 30 g...1
Aperitivos maíz
- tipo doritos, 30 g...4
- rellenas de queso,
1 galleta, 20 g...3
- saladas, 2 galletas, 6 g...1
- salada con queso,
2 galletas, 6 g...1
Kikos, 30 g...3
Palomitas con aceite y sal,
30 g...4
Patatas "chips", 30 g...5
Patatas "chips" light, 30 g...4
Pepinillos en vinagre...0

Bebidas con alcohol

Anís seco, 40 ml...4
Bitter, 1 vaso pequeño,
100 ml...5
- brut, 1 copa, 120 ml...3
- semiseco, 1 copa, 120 ml...4
Cerveza oscura 8-9º
- 1 botellín, 250 ml...5
- 1 lata, 330 ml...7
Cerveza rubia 4-5º
- 1 botellín, 250 ml...3
- 1 lata, 330 ml...4
Champán, 1 copa, 120 ml...3
Clara, cerveza y limonada,
1 lata, 330 ml...4
Cointreau, Curaçao,
Grand Marnier, 40 ml...4
Coñac, Brandy, 40 ml...3
- de cassis, 40 ml...3
- de whisky, 40 ml...4
Fernet-Branca, 40 ml...2
Ginebra, 40 ml...3
Licor de frutas, 40 ml...3
Orujo, Grappa, Kirsch, 40 ml...5
Pastís, 40 ml...4
Ponche, 40 ml...3
Ron, 40 ml...3
Sangría de vino o cava,
1 copa, 120 ml...3
Sidra dulce o seca,
1 copa, 120 ml...1
Tequila, 40 ml...4
Tinto de verano,
1 vaso, 200 ml..2
Vermut, 1 copa, 120 ml...6
- blanco, rosado o tinto,
1 copa, 120 ml...3
- de Oporto o Jerez, 40 ml...2
- Lambrusco, 1 copa, 120 ml...4
- moscatel, 1 copa, 120 ml...5
- verde, 1 copa, 120 ml...4
Vodka, 40 ml...3
Whisky, 40 ml...3

Bebidas en polvo y otros preparados

Almendra, crema de
1 Cd, 21 g...2
- en polvo, 2 ct, 10 g...1
- en polvo sin azúcar, 1 Cd, 15 g...1
- cappuccino instant. azucarado,
1 sobre, 12 g...1
- molido...0
- soluble...0
Cereales solubles
- 2 ct, 10 g...0
- 2 Cd, 30 g...1
Chocolate en polvo, 2 ct, 10 g...1
Granadina, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
Jarabe de fruta sin diluir,
1 Cd, 10 g...1
Malta azucarada soluble,
1 Cd, 20 g...2

Bebidas sin alcohol

Agua con gas...0
Agua de sabores, sin azúcar...0
Agua sin gas...0
Bebida isotónica, 1 lata, 330 ml...3
Bitter sin alcohol, 1 botellín,
200 ml...2
- cappuccino, 1 taza pequeña,
100 ml...1
- con leche
* 1 taza pequeña, 100 ml...1
* 1 taza, 250 ml...3
- solo...0
Cerveza sin alcohol
- 1 botellín, 250 ml...2
- 1 lata, 330 ml...2
Horchata de chufa, 1 vaso,
200 ml...5
Infusiones, todo tipo...0
Mosto de uva, 1 vaso, 200 ml...4
Néctar, 1 vaso, 200 ml
- de albaricoque...3
- de maracuyá...3
- de naranja...2
- de pera...3
- con gas
* 1 vaso, 200 ml...2
* 1 lata, 330 ml...4
- light...0
- cola con gas
* 1 vaso, 200 ml...2
* 1 lata, 330 ml...4
- sin gas
* 1 vaso, 200 ml...2
* 1 lata, 330 ml...4
Té, todo tipo...0
- 1 vaso, 200 ml...2
- 1 lata, 330 ml...3
Zumo envasado, 1 vaso, 200 ml
- de frutas exóticas...3
- de manzana...2
- de melocotón...4
- de naranja...2
- de pera...3
- de piña...2
- de pomelo...2
- de tomate...1
- de uva...3
- de uva y melocotón...3
- de zanahoria...2
Zumo natural de frutas,
1 vaso, 200 ml...0

Bollería, galletas y pastelería

Barquillo relleno
- de chocolate, 1 ud, 16 g...2
- de nata, 1 ud, 16 g...2
Base de bizcocho, 50 g...7
Berlina o dónut
- de panadería, 1 ud, 70 g...8
- envasado, 1 ud, 50 g...6
- envasado de chocolate,
1 ud, 75 g...10
- envasado de crema,
1 ud, 60 g...7
Bizcocho, 50 g...6
Bizcocho cuatro cuartos, 50 g...5
Bollo relleno de chocolate,
1 ud, 60 g...6
Brioche, bollo de leche o suizo
- 1 ud pequeña, 25 g...3
- 1 ud mediana, 50 g...6
- 1 ud grande, 70 g...8
Brownie, 50 g...6
Buñuelo, 1 ud, 20 g...2
- de cabello de ángel,
1 ud, 80 g...9
- de crema, 1 ud, 80 g...10
- de crema con chocolate,
1 ud, 80 g...11
Churros, 4 uds, 70 g...7
Coca, 50 g...5
Crêpe, 1 ud, 30 g...1
- de panadería
* 1 ud pequeña, 18 g...2
* 1 ud mediana, 50 g...6
* 1 ud grande, 80 g...9
- de panadería, de chocolate,
1 ud, 100 g...10
- envasado, 1 ud, 35 g...4
- 1 ud pequeña, 25 g...3
- 1 ud mediana, 55 g...7
- 1 ud grande 80 g...10
- con chocolate, 1 ud, 15 g...2
- con jalea de frutas, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- de jenjibre, 3 uds, 15 g...2
- de mantequilla, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- digestiva, 1 ud, 15 g...2
- doble rellena de chocolate,
1 ud, 20 g...3
- María, 3 uds, 18 g...2
- envasado, 1 ud, 50 g...6
- natural
* 1 ud, 50 g...5
* 1 ud, 120 g...12
Lionesa rellena de crema,
1 ud, 18 g...1
- 1 ud pequeña, 10 g...1
- 1 ud mediana, 30 g...3
- 1 ud grande, 75 g...8
Mantecado, 1 ud, 35 g...5
Melindro, 1 ud, 10 g...1
Merengue, 1 ud, 55 g...6
Milhojas con nata y crema,
1 ud, 150 g...12
- croissant, 3 uds, 18 g...2
- magdalena, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- napolitana de chocolate,
3 uds, 45 g...6
- napolitana de crema,
3 uds, 45 g...5
Muffins, 1 ud, 30 g...3
- de chocolate, 1 ud, 85 g...10
- de crema, 1 ud, 85 g...9
Neulas o barquillos, 1 ud, 7 g...1
Palmera, 1 ud, 80 g...12
Panettone, 50 g...5
Pastas de té, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- con frutas confitadas, 50 g...5
- de chocolate, 50 g...6
- Saboyana, 50 g...4
Plumcake, 1 rebanada, 35 g...4
Polvorón, 1 ud, 43 g...6
Porras, 4 uds, 100 g...9
Pudín de pasas, 50 g...4
Rosco de vino, 1 ud, 27 g...4
Rosquilla, 1 ud, 30 g...3
Sobao, 1 ud, 25 g...3
- de frutas, 50 g...4
- de manzana con crema, 50 g...4
- de queso, 50 g...3
Torta de anís
- común, 1 ud, 33 g...5
- integral, 1 ud, 30 g...4
- 1 ud, 35 g...4
- 1 ud grande, 60 g...7

Carnes, aves y huevos


- bistec, 100 g...4
- carne grasa, 100 g...6
- carne magra, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- contra, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- entrecot, 1 ud, 190 g...10
- falda, 100 g...5
- filete, 100 g...4
- hígado, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- lengua, 100 g...6
- lomo, 100 g...5
- pecho, 100 g...5
- pescuezo, 100 g...4
- rabo, 100 g...5
- redondo, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- rosbif, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- solomillo, 100 g...4
- tapa, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Caballo, carne, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Cabrito, carne, 100 g...3
- 200 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- butifarra, 1 ud, 75 g...5
- cabeza, 100 g...5
- carne grasa, 100 g...5
- carne magra, 100 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- carne picada, 100 g...7
- chuleta
* 1 ud...7
* 100 g...6
- costilla
* 100 g con hueso...5
* 100 g...8
- hígado, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- lomo, 100 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- manitas
* 1 ud...9
* 100 g...8
- morro, 100 g...5
- oreja, 100 g...6
- paletilla o brazuelo, 100 g...8
- pierna magra, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- rabo, 100 g...10
- riñones, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- sangre, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- sesos, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- solomillo, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- tocino, 1 loncha fina, 25 g...5
- tocino magro, 1 loncha fina,
25 g...2
- zancarrón, 100 g...7
Chistorra, 30 g...4
Chorizo fresco, 1/2 ud, 45 g...5
Ciervo, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1/4 ud...5 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Conejo de monte
- 1/4 ud...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- carne, 100 g...6
- carne magra, 100 g...3
- chuleta con grasa
* 1 ud...5
* 100 g...7
- costilla
* 1 ud...4
* 100 g...8
- falda, 100 g...6
- hígado, 100 g...3
- lengua, 100 g...5
- mollejas, 100 g...3
- paletilla, 100 g...8
- pierna, 100 g...5
- riñones, 100 g...2
- sesos, 100 g...4
Corzo, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Jabalí carne, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 200 g con hueso...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Morcilla cruda
- 1 loncha, 20 g...2
- 50 g...5
- cocktail, 2 uds, 30 g...3
- fresca cerdo, 1 ud, 50 g...4
- tipo Frankfurt
* 1 ud pequeña, 35 g...3
* 1 ud grande, 75 g...6
- aguja, 100 g...5
- aleta, 100 g...3
- brazuelo, 100 g...4
- callos, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- carne picada, 100 g...5
- costilla
* 200 g con hueso...5
* 100 g...4
- entrecot sin grasa,
1 ud mediana...6
100 g...3
- escalopa, 100 g...4
- filete o bistec sin grasa,
100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hamburguesa, 100 g...5
- hígado, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- lengua, 100 g...3
- mollejas, 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- paletilla, 100 g...3
- pecho, 100 g...3
- pescuezo, 100 g...4
- rabo, 100 g...5
- redondo, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- riñones, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- rosbif, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- sesos, 100 g...3
- solomillo sin grasa, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- zancarrón o morcillo, 100 g...3


Avestruz, sin piel, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g con hueso...4
- 100 g...5
- con piel
* 1 ud...8
* 100 g...4
- sin piel
* 1/2 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
* 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Faisán sin piel, 100 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g con hueso...7
- 100 g...10
Oca, carne, 100 g...7
Paloma, carne
- 1/2 ud...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- entero con piel
* 100 g con hueso...4
* 100 g...6
- magret o pechuga sin piel,
100 g...3
- muslo sin piel, 100 g...3
- con piel
* 100 g con hueso...3
* 100 g...5
- sin piel, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1/2 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Pintada, carne, 100 g...4
- ala con piel
* 1 ud...2
* 100 g...6
- entero con piel
* 1/4 ud...9
* 100 g...4
* 1 muslo...6
- entero sin piel
* 1/4 ud...5
* 100 g...3
- hamburguesa, 100 g...5
- hígado
* 2 uds...1
* 100 g...3
- muslo sin piel
* 1 ud...4
* 100 g...3
- pechuga sin piel, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Rascón o polla de agua
100 g...3
- fresca de ave, 1 ud, 40 g...2
- tipo Frankfurt pavo,
1 ud pequeña, 45 g...2


Huevo de codorniz, 2 uds...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Huevo de gallina
- grande...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- mediano o pequeño...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- clara
* 2 uds...0 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
* 100 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- yema, 1 ud...2
Huevo de pato, 1 ud...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Huevo de pavo, 1 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gifCereales de desayuno y barritas

Arroz inflado
- común, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
- chocolateado, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
Barritas de cereales
- con avellanas, 1 ud, 20 g...2
- con chocolate, 1 ud, 20 g...2
- con frutas, 1 ud, 20 g...2
- con chocolate, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
- con frutos rojos, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
- tipo All Bran, 6 Cd, 30 g...2
- de avena, 3 Cd, 24 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de avena biológicos,
3 Cd, 24 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de maíz, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
- tostados de arroz y trigo,
6 Cd, 30 g...3
Gofio canario tostado,
3 Cd, 30 g...3
Maíz inflado con miel,
6 Cd, 30 g...3
- azucarado, 2 Cd, 30 g...3
- bio con frutas, 2 Cd, 30 g...3
- con chocolate, 2 Cd, 30 g...3
- con frutas, 2 Cd, 30 g...3
- sin azúcar, 2 Cd, 30 g...3
Trigo inflado
- azucarado, 6 Cd, 30 g...3
- común, 6 Cd, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gifCharcutería y quesos


Bacon o panceta
- 1 loncha fina, 20 g...2
- 1 loncha gruesa, 50 g...5
Bacon o panceta ahumados
- 1 loncha fina, 20 g...2
- 1 loncha gruesa, 50 g...4
Butifarra blanca, 1 loncha, 15 g...1
Cabeza de jabalí,
1 loncha, 20 g...1
Cecina de León, 1 loncha, 20 g...1
Chicharrones, 50 g...4
- de cerdo, 1 loncha, 15 g...1
- de pavo, 3 lonchas, 30 g...1
Chorizo, 1 loncha, 10 g...1
Coppa, 50 g...3
Embutido de pechuga
- de pavo, 2 lonchas, 50 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- de pollo, 2 lonchas, 50 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Fuet, 1 loncha, 10 g...1
Galantina, 1 loncha, 20 g...1
- ahumado, 2 lonchas, 50 g...2
- cocido con grasa,
2 lonchas, 50 g...3
- cocido de pavo,
2 lonchas, 50 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- cocido extra sin grasa,
2 lonchas, 40 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- cocido sin grasa,
2 lonchas, 40 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- curado con grasa,
1 loncha, 25 g...2
- curado sin grasa,
1 loncha, 20 g...1
- de Bayona, 1 loncha, 20 g...1
Lacón, 1 loncha, 20 g...2
Lomo embuchado,
1 loncha, 10 g...1
Longaniza, 1 loncha, 10 g...1
Morcilla cocida, 1 loncha, 20 g...2
Morcón, 1 loncha, 20 g...2
Mortadela, 1 loncha, 20 g...2
Mortadela de pavo,
1 loncha, 20 g...1
Paleta cocida magra,
1 loncha, 25 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Salami, 1 loncha, 15 g...2
Salchichón, 1 loncha, 10 g...1


Arzúa, 30 g...3
Azul, 30 g...3
Brie, 30 g...3
Cabrales, 30 g...30
Camembert 20-30% MG,
30 g...2
Camembert 60% MG, 30 g...3
Castellano, 30 g...4
Cheddar, 30 g...3
Cottage 20% MG, 30 g...1
Crema para untar, 1 Cd, 30 g...2
Crema para untar 0% MG
2 Cd, 60 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Crema para untar Light,
1 Cd, 30 g...1
De bola, 30 g...3
De cabra curado, 30 g...4
De cabra de pasta blanda,
30 g...2
De cabra semicurado, 30 g...3
De Castilla La Mancha, oveja
y cabra, 30 g...3
De Castilla La Mancha tierno
Light, oveja cabra y vaca, 30 g...2
De Castilla y León, oveja
y vaca, 30 g...3
De Tetilla, 30 g...3
Edam, 30 g...3
Edam Light, 30 g...2
Emmental, 30 g...3
Emmental Light, 30 g...2
En lonchas para fundir,
1 loncha, 18 g...1
Feta, 30 g...2
Fondue, 30 g...2
Fresco de Burgos, 30 g...2
Fresco de Burgos 0% MG,
50 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Fundido en lonchas Light,
1 loncha, 18 g...1
Gallego, 30 g...3
Gorgonzola, 30 g...3
Gouda, 30 g...3
Gouda semicurado Light, 30 g...2
Gruyère, 30 g...3
Gruyère Light, 30 g...2
Havarti Light, 30 g...2
Ibores, 30 g...3
Idiazábal, 30 g...4
Maasdam, 30 g...3
Maasdam Light, 30 g...2
Mahón, 30 g...3
Majorero, 30 g...3
Manchego curado, 30 g...4
Manchego semicurado, 30 g...3
Mascarpone, 30 g...3
Mozzarella, 30 g...2
Mozzarella Light, 30 g...1
Munster, 30 g...3
Nata, 30 g...3
- 30 g...3
- rallado, 1 Cd, 8 g...1
Pirineos, 30 g...3
Quesito, 1 quesito, 15 g...1
Quesito Light
- 1 quesito, 15 g...1
- 2 quesitos, 30 g...1
Raclette, 30 g...3
Rallado, 1 Cd, 15 g...2
Reblochon, 30 g...3
Requesón o mató, 30 g...1
Ricotta, 30 g...1
Roncal, 30 g...4
Roquefort, 30 g...3
San Simón, 30 g...3
Scamorza, 30 g...2
Torta del Casar, 30 g...3
Zamorano, 30 g...4

Chocolates, golosinas y turrones

Bombón, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- blando, 2 uds, 9 g...1
- de fruta, 2 uds, 12 g...1
- sin azúcar, 2 uds, 14 g...1
Chicle, 4 uds, 8 g...1
Chicle sin azúcar
1 ud, 1 g...0
14 uds, 14 g...1
- blanco, 25 g...4
- con leche, 25 g...4
- negro, 25 g...4
- para postres, 50 g...7
Chocolatinas, 1 ud, 40 g...5
Marrón glacé, 1 ud, 12 g...1
Mazapán, 30 g...4
Pasta de almendras, 30 g...4
Peladillas, 5 uds, 25 g...3
Regaliz, 1 ud, 10 g...1
Trufa de chocolate, 1 ud, 25 g...3
- de Alicante, 30 g...4
- de chocolate, 30 g...4
- de Jijona, 30 g...4
- de yema, 30 g...4

Comer fuera

Arroz a la cubana, 1 plato...11
Calamares a la romana, 1 plato...14
Canelones con bechamel,
1 plato...12
Croquetas de jamón serrano,
1 plato...14
Ensaladilla rusa, 1 tapa...7
Pasta con salsa boloñesa, 1 plato...10
Fideuá de marisco, 1 plato...17
Gazpacho, 1 bol...4
Hamburguesa de hamburguesería
con pan, 1 ud...15
Lasaña de carne con bechamel,
1 plato...12
Lentejas guisadas con chorizo,
1 plato...12
Paella de marisco, 1 plato...23
Patatas fritas, acompañamiento...10
Pizza 4 quesos, 1/4...8
Pizza Margarita, 1/4...7
Pollo asado, 1/4...17
Tortilla de patata y cebolla,
1 ración...10

Condimentos y ayudas culinarias

- agar desecada, 10 g...1
- espirulina desecada, 10 g...1
- kombu desecada, 35 g...1
- nori desecada, 25 g...1
- wakame desecada, 35 g...1
- avainillado, blanco y moreno
* 2 ct, 10 g...1
* 1 Cd, 15 g...2
* 100 g...11
- glasé
* 1 ct, 3 g...0
* 1 Cd, 10 g...1
Concentrado de tomate
- 1 ct, 6 g...0
2 Cd, 36 g...1
Cubitos de caldo, 1 ud, 12 g...1
Edulcorante, todo tipo...0
Esencias no azucaradas...0
Esencias (todo tipo)...0
Fideos de chocolate, 1 Cd, 8 g...1
- 2 ct, 10 g...1
- 1 Cd, 15 g...2
- 100 g...11
Gelatina, en polvo o en hoja no azucarada
- 1 hoja, 2 g...0
- 1 Cd, 7 g...1
- 6 hojas, 12 g...1
Harina, todo tipo
- 1 ct, 3 g...0
- 1 Cd, 10 g...1
- 100 g...10
Harina de algarroba, 25 g...2
Hierbas aromáticas frescas
y secas...0
- de panadería fresca, 50 g...1
- en polvo
* 1 ct, 3 g...0
* 2 Cd, 20 g...1
Pan rallado
- 2 ct, 10 g...1
- 2 Cd, 30 g...3
Perlas multicolores, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
Salsa de soja...0
Salsa Worcestershire...0
Tahini, crema de sésamo
- 1 Cd, 30 g...5
Tomate seco...0
Tomate seco en aceite,
escurrido, 25 g...2
Vainilla (todo tipo), sin azúcar...0
Zumo de limón natural...0

Fruta, frutos secos y semillas


Acerola...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Aguacate, 1 fruta mediana,
125 g...5
Albaricoque...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Arándano...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Azufaifa o jinjol...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Breva...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Caqui...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Carambola...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Cereza...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Cereza picota...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Chirimoya...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Ciruela...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Coco, 30 g...3
Compota, 100 g...3
Feijoa...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Frambuesa...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Fresa o fresón...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Fruta confitada, 25 g...2
Granada...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Grosella...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Grosella negra...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Guanábana...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Guayaba...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
- en almíbar, 100 g...2
Higo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Higo chumbo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Kiwi...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Kumquat o kinoto...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Lichi...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Lima...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Limón...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Macedonia en almíbar, 100 g...2
Macedonia en su jugo, 100 g...1
Mandarina...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Mango...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Manzana...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Maracuyá...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Melocotón...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
- en almíbar, 1 mitad, 60 g...1
Melón...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Membrillo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Mora...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Naranja...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Nectarina...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Níspero...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Papaya...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pera...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
- en almíbar, 100 g...2
Piña...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
- en almíbar
* 1 rodaja fina, 60 g...1
* 1 rodaja gruesa, 100 g...2
- en su jugo, 1 rodaja gruesa,
100 g...1
Pitahaya...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Plátano...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pomelo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Sandía...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Uva blanca...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Uva negra...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gifFrutos secos

- cruda, 10 uds, 14 g...2
- frita y salada
* 10 uds, 14 g...2
* 1 puñado, 30 g...5
- garrapiñada, 1 ud, 10 g...1
- tostada, 10 uds, 14 g...2
- crudo, 1 puñado, 30 g...5
- frito,
* 10 uds, 18 g...3
* 1 puñado, 30 g...5
Avellana, 10 uds, 14 g...3
- crudo, 1 puñado, 20 g...3
- frito con miel, 1 puñado, 20 g...3
- frito y salado
* 10 uds, 10 g...2
* 1 puñado, 20 g...3
Castaña cruda, 5 uds, 40 g...2
Castaña tostada, 50 g...3
Chufa, 50 g...6
Ciruela pasa, 3 uds, 21 g...1
Cocktail de frutos secos
y pasas, 1 puñado, 30 g...4
Coco seco, 3 Cd, 18 g...3
Dátil seco, 3 uds, 21 g...2
Frutas deshidratadas
- 1 puñado, 30 g...1
Higo seco, 3 uds, 30 g...2
- común, 1 ud, 7 g...1
- de Brasil, 5 uds, 20 g...4
- de macadamia, 1 puñado,
20 g...4
- de pecán, 5 uds, 10 g...2
Orejones, 5 uds, 25 g...1
Pan de higos, 30 g...3
- 1 Cd, 10 g...2
- 1 puñado, 15 g...3
- crudo, 10 uds, 6 g...1
- tostado y salado, 10 uds, 6 g...1
Plátano desecado,
- 1 puñado, 20 g...2
Uva pasa, 1 Cd, 30 g...2


- de calabaza peladas,
2 Cd, 20 g...3
- de girasol sin sal
* 2 Cd sin pelar...1
* 2 Cd peladas, 20 g...3
- de altramuz, 50 g...1
- de amapola, 1 ct, 5 g...1
- de lino, 1 ct, 5 g...1
- de sésamo, 2 ct, 6 g...1


Barra helada de nata y chocolate
tipo comtessa
- 100 g...3
- 1 bola mediana, 60 g...3
- 1 tarrina pequeña, 75 g...4
- 1 tarrina mediana, 115 g...8
Polo, todos los sabores,
1 ud, 90 g...3
Profiterol de nata,
1 ud, 18 g...2
Sándwich de nata y chocolate,
1 ud, 100 ml...5
Sorbete, 1 bola, 60 g...2
- de limón, 100 ml...3
- de nata y chocolate, 100 ml...3
- de vainilla y caramelo, 100 ml...3
- helada de whisky, 100 g...4
Trufa, 1 ud, 15 g...2

Lácteos, postres y leches vegetales

Arroz con leche, 1 envase, 140 g...4
Batido de cacao, 1 vaso, 200 ml...5
Bebida o leche de arroz,
1 vaso, 200 ml...3
Bebida o leche de soja,
1 vaso, 200 ml...2
Bebida o leche de soja Light,(desde 2.014)
1 vaso, 200 ml...2
- agria, 25 g...
- catalana, 1 envase, 125 g...6
- chantilly o nata montada,
1 Cd, 10 g...1
- de soja, 1 Cd, 15 ml...1
- inglesa, 100 g...3
- pastelera, 3 Cd, 90 g...4
Cuajada, 1 envase, 135 g...3
- de huevo, 1 envase, 110 g...4
- de vainilla, 1 envase, 100 g...3
- instantáneo, 1 ración, 8 g...1
Kéfir, 1 envase, 100 g...2
Leche condensada
- entera
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 1 Cd, 15 g...1
* 100 g...9
- desnatada
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 1 Cd, 15 g...1
* 100 g...7
Leche de almendras
- 1 vaso, 200 ml...4
Leche de cabra
- 1 vaso pequeño, 100 ml...2
- 1 taza, 250 ml...4
Leche de coco concentrada
- 1 Cd, 15 ml...1
- 100 ml...6
Leche de oveja
- 1 vaso pequeño, 100 ml...3
- 1 taza, 250 ml...7
Leche en polvo
- desnatada, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
- entera, 2 Cd, 20 g...3
- semidesnatada, 2 Cd, 20 g...2
Leche evaporada entera
- 2 Cd, 20 g...1
Leche fermentada
- desnatada, 1 botellín, 100 ml...1
- entera, 1 botellín, 100 ml...2
- entera con frutas, 1 botellín,
100 ml...3
Leche pasteurizada
- desnatada (desde 2.014)
* 1 vaso pequeño, 100 ml...1
* 1 taza, 250 ml...2
- entera
* 1 vaso pequeño, 100 ml...2
* 1 taza, 250 ml...4
- semidesnatada
* 1 vaso pequeño, 100 ml...1
* 1 taza, 250 ml...3
Mousse envasada
- de café, 1 envase, 64 g...3
- de chocolate, 1 envase, 64 g...3
- de limón, 1 envase, 60 g...2
- espesa Light
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 2 Cd, 30 g...1
* 100 g...5
- líquida para cocinar
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 1 Cd, 15 g...1
* 100 g...6
- líquida para montar
* 1 ct, 5 g...0
* 1 Cd, 15 g...1
* 100 g...9
- montada, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
Natillas, 1 envase, 125 g...4
Natillas de chocolate,
1 envase, 125 g...5
Petit suisse
- confrutas, 1 envase, 55 g...2
- de chocolate, 1 envase, 55 g...3
- natural azucarado,
1 envase, 55 g...2
Postre de soja con chocolate,
1 envase, 100 g...3
Postre de soja con frutas,
1 envase, 100 g...2
Queso blanco
- 0% MG, 100 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 0% MG con fruta, 100 g...1
- 10% MG, 70 g...1
- 20% MG, 50 g...1
- 30% MG, 50 g...1
- 40% MG, 50 g...2
Queso Quark, 70 g...2
- de soja, cualquier sabor,
1 ud, 145 g...3
- desnatado con frutas,
1 ud, 125 g...1
- desnatado natural,
1 ud, 125 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- desnatado natural edulcorado
1 ud, 125 g...1
- desnatado, cualquier sabor,
1 ud, 125 g...1
- entero con frutas, 1 ud, 125 g...3
- entero natural, 1 ud, 125 g...2
- entero natural azucarado,
1 ud, 125 g...3
- entero, cualquier sabor,
1 ud, 125 g...3
- griego, 1 ud, 125 g...5
- líquido con frutas,
1 vaso pequeño, 100 g...2
- líquido natural azucarado,
1 vaso pequeño, 100 g...2
- líquido, cualquier sabor,
1 vaso pequeño, 100 g...2

Legumbres y maíz


- blanca en conserva, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- blanca hervida, 6 Cd, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- blanca seca, 30 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- negra hervida, 6 Cd, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- negra seca, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- pinta hervida, 6 Cd, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- pinta seca, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervida, 120 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- seca, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Frijol negro seco, 30 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- en conserva, 6 Cd, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervido, 6 Cd, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- seco, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Garrofón fresco, 120 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- en conserva, 1 lata pequeña,
130 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- fresco, 200 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervido, 120 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervidas, 120 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- secas, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- tiernas frescas, 200 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- en conserva, 6 Cd, 120 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervidas, 120 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- secas, 30 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervida, 120 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- seca, 30 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gifMaíz

- en conserva, 2 Cd, 40 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- en grano seco, 1 Cd, 20 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- en mazorca congelado, 1 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- hervido
* 1 mazorca...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
* 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gifPan, masas y tortitas

Base de pizza congelada,
1 ud, 130 g...11
Biscotte, 1 ud, 10 g...1
Biscotte de arroz, 3 uds, 30 g...3
Cracker, 3 uds, 9 g...1
Cracker integral, 3 uds, 9 g...1
Grisines, 5 uds medianas, 10 g...1
- brisa o quebrada, 40 g...6
- de hojaldre, 50 g...6
- de pizza, 1 ud, 125 g...9
Mini tostas, 3 uds, 10 g...1
- ácimo, 50 g...4
- blanco de barra
* 1 rebanada, 20 g...1
* 50 g...3
- blanco de barra sin sal
* 50 g...3
- blanco de molde
* 1 rebanada, 30 g...2
- de centerno puro integral, 50 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de chapata, 50 g...3
- de molde integral
* 1 rebanada, 30 g...2
- de pasas, 50 g...4
- de payés, 50 g...4
- de trigo y centeno, 50 g...3
- de Viena, 50 g...4
- integral 5 cereales
y semillas, 50 g...3
- integral de trigo, 50 g...3
- pita, 50 g...4
- pumpernickel,
1 rebanada, 50 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- tipo baguette, 50 g...4
- wasa, 1 rebanada, 10 g...1
- común o integral
* 1 pieza pequeña, 30 g...2
* 1 pieza mediana, 60 g...4
* 1 pieza grande, 90 g...6
- para Frankfurt, 1 ud, 55 g...4
- para hamburguesa
* 1 pieza pequeña, 50 g...4
* 1 pieza grande, 80 g...6
- tostado tipo sueco,
1 pieza, 12 g...1
- brick
* 1 hoja, 15 g...1
* 50 g...5
- filo, 1 hoja, 10 g...1
Picatostes, 25 g...2
Regañá artesana, 1 ud, 15 g...2
Tortillas de trigo mejicanas
integrales, 1 ud, 40 g...4
Tostadas con salvado,
2 uds, 12 g...1

Pasta, arroz y granos


Fideos chinos
- de arroz, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de huevo, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Ñoquis o Gnocchi, 1 ración, 125 g...5
Pasta con o sin gluten
- hervida, 150 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- seca, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Pasta al huevo
- hervida, 150 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- seca, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Pasta fresca
- cruda, 50 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- hervida, 100 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Pasta fresca rellena, cruda
- de carne, 1 ración, 125 g...10
- de jamón, 1 ración, 125 g...10
- de queso, 1 ración, 125 g...10
- de ricotta y espinacas,
1 ración, 125 g...10
- de setas, 1 ración, 125 g...10
Pasta integral
- hervida, 150 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- seca, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Pasta para sopa, seca, 3 Cd, 24 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gifArroz

- blanco hervido, 6 Cd, 120 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- blanco seco, cocción rápida,
2 Cd, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- blanco seco, todo tipo,
2 Cd, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- integral hervido, 6 Cd, 120 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- integral seco, 2 Cd, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- salvaje seco, 2 Cd, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gifGranos

Cebada en grano, seca
- 1 Cd, 20 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Cous Cous
- hervido, 6 Cd, 180 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- seco, 4 Cd, 48 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Mijo, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Polenta, 50 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Quinoa, 2 Cd, 50 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de trigo, 5 Cd, 50 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- de trigo hervida, 6 Cd, 180 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- hervida, 120 g...4 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- seca, 5 Cd, 50 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- kamut, 30 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- tierno, 50 g...5 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gifPatatas y otras féculas

- 1 ud pequeña, 80 g...2
- 1 ud mediana, 175 g...5
- 1 ud grande, 325 g...9
- 1 ud pequeña, 80 g...2
- 1 ud mediana, 175 g...5
- 1 ud grande, 325 g...9
- de arroz, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
- de maíz, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
- de patata, 1 Cd, 12 g...1
Ñame, 100 g...3
- 1 ud pequeña, 90 g...2 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- 1 ud mediana, 175 g...3 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
- 1 ud grande, 300 g...6 2dayn4k.gif.pagespeed.ce.15FiDDZjv4.gif
Patatas fritas caseras, 100 g...7
Patatas prefritas congeladas,
120 g...14
Patatas, copos para puré,
1/4 envase, 30 g...3
Plátano macho, 100 g...3
Yuca o mandioca, 100 g...4

Pescados y mariscos

Abadejo, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Acedía, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Almejas al natural 1 lata, 78 g...1
- 200 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Anca de rana, 125 g con hueso...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Anchoa en aceite, 8 filetes, 20 g...1
Anguila, 140 g...8
Aguila ahumada, 100 g...9
Angula, 140 g...8
- 1 ud...4
- 100 g...5
Arenque ahumado
- 1 filete...3
- 100 g...5
Arenque salado
- 1 filete...4
- 100 g...8
Atún, 140 g...5
Atún al natural, escurrido
- 1 lata pequeña, 50 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Atún en aceite, escurrido
- 1 lata pequeña, 60 g...3
Atún en escabeche
- 1 lata pequeña, 75 g...3
Bacaladilla, lirio o perlita
- 2 uds...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Bacalao ahumado, 140 g...4
Bacalao fresco, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Bacalao salado, 140 g...4
Bacalao salado y remojado,
140 g...5
Barbo, 140 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 400 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Berberechos al natural
- 1 lata pequeña, 65 g...1
Besugo, 140 g...3
Bígaro hervido
- 200 g con caparazón...1
- 100 g...2
Boga, 140 g...5
- 1 ud mediana...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Bonito, 140 g...4
Bonito en aceite, escurrido
- 1 lata pequeña, 60 g...3
Bonito en escabeche
- 1 lata pequeña, 75 g...3
Boquerón o anchoa fresca
- 1 ud mediana...1
- 100 g...3
Breca, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Buey de mar
- 1 ud...7
- 100 g...3
Caballa, 140 g...7
caballa ahumada
- 1 filete...4
- 100 g...8
Caballa en aceite, 1 lata, 85 g...6
Caballa en escabeche
- 1 lata, 54 g...2
Caballa en salsa de tomate
- 1 lata, 85 g...5
Cabracho, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Calamar, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 200 g con caparazón...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 200 g con caparazón...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Cangrejo de río
- 300 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Cangrejo en conserva
- 1 lata, 120 g...3
- 1 ud...1
- 100 g...2
Carpa, 140 g...4
Caviar, 2 ct, 14 g...1
Cazón, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Centollo, sin caparazón, 140 g...4
Chicharro, 140 g...4
Chipirón, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 300 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1 ud grande...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Congrio, 140 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1 ud pequeña...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Emperador, 140 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Erizo de mar, sin caparazón
- 140 g...2
Escurpiña o carneiro, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Faneca, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Fletán o halibut, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Fogonero, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Gallo, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 400 g con caparazón...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Gula, 140 g...4
Huevas de pescado en conserva
- 1 ct, 7 g...0
- 2 Cd, 42 g...1
Huevas de pescado frescas
- 1 Cd, 21 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Jurel, 140 g...4
- 1/2 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 3 uds...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 200 g con caparazón...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1 ud...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Lija, 140 g...5
Lubina, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Lucio, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 300 g con caparazón...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Mejillones al natural
- 1 lata pequeña, 55 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Mejillones en escabeche
- 1 lata, 115 g...5
Merluza, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Mero, 140 g...4
Mojarra, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Mújol, 140 g...5
- 1 ud...1
- 100 g...3
- 8 piezas...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Palometa, 140 g...4
Panga, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 300 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Perca, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 400 g con caparazón...1 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 1 ud...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Pez espada, 140 g...4
Pijota, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Platija, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Pulpo, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Pulpo en aceite
- 1 lata pequeña, 80 g...3
Rape, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Raya, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Rodaballo, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Rosada, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Rubio, 140 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Salmón, 140 g...6
Salmón ahumado
- 2 lonchas finas, 70 g...3
- 100 g...4
- 1 ud...2
- 100 g...3
San pedro, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 2 uds medianas...1
- 100 g...3
Sardina en aceite
- 1 lata pequeña, 65 g...5
Sardina en escabeche
- 1 lata, 120 g...4
Sardina en salsa de tomate
- 1 lata pequeña, 85 g...6
Sargo, 140 g...4 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Sepia, 140 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
Solla, 140 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 3 barritas...1
- 100 g...2
Tiburón, 140 g...4
Tinta de calamar
- 1 bolsita, 10 ml...0
- 1 ud...5
- 100 g...3
Trucha ahumada
- 2 lonchas, 50 g...2
- 4 uds...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- 100 g...2 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gifPlatos preparados y precocinados

Calamar a la romana
- 100 g...7
- de carne, 200 g...7
- de espinacas, 200 g...7
- de pescado, 200 g...7
- de bacalao, 2 uds, 60 g...2
- de cocido, 2 uds, 60 g...3
- de jamón, 2 uds, 60 g...3
- de pollo, 2 uds, 60 g...3
- de atún o bonito,
1 ud, 90 g...6
- de jamón y queso,
1 ud, 60 g...3
Lasaña de carne y bechamel
- 240 g...9
Pollo empanado
- 1 ud, 80 g...6
Rollito de primavera
- 1 ud, 50 g...2
San Jacobo
- 1 ud, 85 g...6

Productos para untar, dulces y salados

Cacahuete, crema de, 1 Cd, 30 g...5
- crema, 100 g...8
- puré, 100 g...3
Confitura, 1 Cd, 30 g...2
Confitura sin azúcar, 2 Cd, 60 g...1
Crema de chocolate con avellanas
2 ct, 20 g...3
1 Cd, 30 g...5
Dulce de leche, 1 Cd, 30 g...3
Dulce de membrillo, 50 g...3
Foie gras, 50 g...6
Jalea de frutas, 1 Cd, 30 g...2
Mantequilla de cacahuetes
1 Cd, 30 g...5
- común, 1 Cd, 15 g...1
- con fructosa, 30 g...1
- Light
* 1 Cd, 30 g...0
* 3 Cd, 90 g...1
- 3 ct, 14 g...1
- 1 Cd, 21 g...2
- de hígado de ave, 50 g...5
- de hígado de cerdo, 50 g...5
- de oca, 50 g...4
- de pato, 50 g...5
Pasta de frutas, 50 g...3
Paté de campaña, 50 g...4
Paté de hígado de cerdo, 50 g...5
Sirope de arce, 2 Cd, 30 ml...2
Sobrasada, 1 loncha, 25 g...4
Tapenade, 2 Cd, 60 g...3

Productos vegetarianos y complementos alimenticios

Frankfurt vegetal de tofu
- 1 ud, 40 g...3
- de cebada, 2 Cd, 16 g...2
- de trigo, 3 Cd, 24 g...2
Hamburguesa vegetal
- 1 ud, 75 g...4
Levadura de cerveza en polvo
- 2 Cd, 20 g...1
Polen, 1 Cd, 10 g...1
Seitán, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gif
- ahumado, 100 g...4
- natural, 100 g...3 j7yru1.gif.pagespeed.ce.6MC7PGphnr.gifSalsas y dips

Alioli, 1 Cd, 21 g...5
Guacamole Dip, 1 Cd, 18 g...1
Ketchup, 2 Cd, 42 g...1
Ketchup light, 4 Cd, 84 g...1
- comercial
* 1 ct, 7 g...1
* 1 Cd, 21 g...4
- casera
* 1 ct, 7 g...2
* 1 Cd, 21 g...5
- de soja
* 1 ct, 7 g...1
* 1 Cd, 21 g...2
- Light
* 1 ct, 7 g...1
* 1 Cd, 21 g...2
- agridulce, 50 g...2
- barbacoa, 3 Cd, 60 g...1
- bearnesa, 1 Cd, 21 g...4
- bechamel, 1 Cd, 20 g...1
- boloñesa, 3 Cd, 60 g...2
- carbonara, 1 Cd, 20 g...2
- de tomate envasada,
1 Cd, 40 g...1
- de yogur, 1 Cd, 21 g...2
- holandesa, 1 Cd, 21 g...2
- Momay, 1 Cd, 21 g...1
- napolitana, 3 Cd, 60 g...1
- pesto, 1 Cd, 21 g...3
- Roquefort, 1 Cd, 21 g...3
- rosa o cocktail, 1 Cd, 20 g...2
- tártara, 1 ct, 7 g...1
- vinagreta, 1 ct, 5 ml...1
- vinagreta Light, 2 Cd, 30 ml...3
Sofrito casero, 2 Cd, 80 g...4
Sofrito envasado, 2 Cd, 80 g...5
Tarama, 1 ct, 10 g...2
Tomate frito, 3 Cd, 60 g...1

Sopas, caldos y cremas

Ajoblanco envasado
- 1 plato, 250 ml...6
- casero desgrasado de carne,
cocido, pescado o pollo
* 1 plato, 250 ml...0
* 3 tazas, 750 ml...1
- casero vegetal sin aceite...0
Crema de tomates
- 1 plato, 250 ml...3
Gazpacho envasado
- 1 plato, 250 ml...2
Sopa de ave con fideos
- 1 plato, 250 ml...2
Sopa de sobre, 1/4 de sobre,
21 g...2
Vichyssoise, 1 plato, 250 ml...4

Verduras y hortalizas

Acelga...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Achicoria...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Ajo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Alcachofa...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Algas frescas...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Apio...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Berenjena...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Berro...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Borraja...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Brócoli...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Brote de soja en conserva...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Brotes de soja
o soja germinada...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Calabacín...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Calabaza...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Canónigo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Cardo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Cebolla...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Cebolla tierna o cebolleta...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Chalota...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Champiñón...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Chirivia...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Choucroute...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Col de Bruselas...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Col lombarda...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Coliflor...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Endibia...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Escarola...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Espárrago...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Espárrago en conserva...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Espinaca...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Grelos...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Hinojo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Judía verde...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Lechuga...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Mazorquitas en conserva...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Nabo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Palmito en conserva...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pepino...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pimiento amarillo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pimiento del piquillo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pimiento rojo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Pimiento verde...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Puerro...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Rábano...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Remolacha...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Repollo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Rúcula...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Ruibarbo...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Salsifi o barba de cabra...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Setas varias...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Tomate...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Tomate natural triturado...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif
Zanahoria...0 54egdv.gif.pagespeed.ce.lOuBLMcLzU.gif[/spoiler:fphsy8cc]
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MG....Materia Grasa


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  • Mensajes

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      Bzao Despite tough talk on North Korea, Trump's options limited Bacteria are nearl [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy slides[/url] y ubiquitous and have tremendous impacts on human and ecological health. And yet, they remain largely mysterious to us. Princeton MOL facultyZemer Gitai,Britt AdamsonandNed Wingreenlaunched a joint effort to develop new tools to help us better understand bacteria. Their work is described in a paper that appearedAugust 31, 2023 in the journalNature Microbiology.Bacteria are incredibly numerous and astoundingly diverse. The human gut contains as many bacterial cells as there are human cells in the entire body, spread across an estimated 500-1000 bacterial species. Bacteri [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk[/url] a also colonize surfaces and organisms all around us.Individual bacteria of the same species may appear superficially similar but still exhibit diverse responses to stress, depending on the expression pattern of their genes?€?that is, which genes are actively being use [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy slide[/url] d to make end products such as proteins that affect cell behavior. Historically, this type of variability among cells was hard to capture b LAHORE:The district and sessions?€? judge on Tuesday deputed two magistrates to attest the last wills of two convicts sc [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]new balance 480[/url] heduled to be hanged at the Central Jail on April 21 and 23. Judicial magistrate Iftikhar Hussain was asked to record the wi [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg mini[/url] ll of Ijaz Ahmad and judicial magistrate Muhammad Yousa [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus grau[/url] f of Liaquat Ali.Published in The Express Tribune, April 20th,?? 2016.
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      Odom Bedrocan Becomes World鈥檚 First GMP Producer of Medicinal Cannabis Vetter has announced that its new center for visual inspection and logistics passed its first GMP inspection by the U.S. Food and Drug Administ [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 9060[/url] ration (FDA).The inspection was conduct [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan low[/url] ed March 11 through 14 to ensure the facility is in compliance with good manufact [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy 700[/url] uring practices.The facility was already granted manufacturing approval and cGMP certification for Europa from the RP Tuebingen, Germany in 2012.The 18,000-square-meter facility, known as Ravensburg Vetter West (RVW), began operations in April 2012.The site provides high-bay warehousing for cold storage and room-temperature products, as well as visual inspection.Featuring technology, which helps adapted to the needs of the separate supply and manufacturing processes, RVW also harnesses extensive use of renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic and geothermal.鈥淲e鈥檙e pleased with the outcome of Ravensburg Vetter West鈥檚 first FDA GMP inspection,鈥?said managing director Thomas Otto.Otto continued, 鈥淲e at Vetter work diligent The French government has granted 12 scholarships for faculty development at [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus verdi[/url] the Dr Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD) at the University of Karachi (KU).It was also decided that the engineering staff of the PCMD will be sent to France for technical training. This was decided in a meeting of Pakistani and French scientists at PCMD on Monday. KU International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) Director Dr Iqbal Choudhary said ICCBS and French research institutes have a deep-rooted and strong mutual research tradition.During the last [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas velosamba[/url] several years, hundreds of French scientists visited ICCBS for pursuing their educational and research goals, he said, adding that this is an excellent opportunity for young researchers to learn. While Pakistan appreciates the French government [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus blu[/url] 鈥檚 endeavours to award scholarships to Pakistani scholars, the two countries need to develop more academic collaborations in the future, he said.Published in The Express Tri
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      Handicap betting, also known as Asian Handicap, remains one of the most favored types of bets across various sports. Players appreciate it for the balance it brings, giving both the favorite and the underdog a chance to win. Therefore, bookmakers often offer a wide range of options within this category. Therefore, bookmakers also favorably offer a wide range of bets within this category. Today, let's join bet win tips to learn how to play handicap betting in football for maximum effectiveness. Rules of Handicap Betting Although it's one of the most popular bet types, let's review the rules for those new to sports betting. Handicap betting in football can be understood simply as one of the over/under bets comparing the goal difference between the favorite and the underdog with the bookmaker's odds. If the goal difference is higher than the bookmaker's figure, the favorite wins the bet. Conversely, if it's lower, the underdog wins the bet. Example of Handicap Betting in the Vietnam vs Indonesia Match Let's take the example of an Asian Handicap bet from the recent World Cup qualifier match between Vietnam and Indonesia. Vietnam is considered significantly stronger than Indonesia at the moment, so the team is labeled as the favorite by the sports bookmaker. In this scenario, Vietnam's name would be highlighted in red, indicating the favorite for this match. In the black box are the odds provided by the bookmaker for the handicap bet. There are two options for players to choose from: Vietnam -1 to -1.5 and Vietnam -1.5. The figures on the right side of the handicap represent the payout odds for each team if they win. Specifically, in the -1.5 handicap, if Vietnam wins, you would receive a payout of 2.09 times your initial bet, whereas for Indonesia, it would be 1.72. Types of Handicap Betting in Football Now that we understand the rules, let's delve into the specific types of handicap bets. 1. Handicap 0 – Draw No Bet When the handicap figure presented by the australia bookmaker is 0, and neither team is highlighted in red, it's called a 0 handicap, or a draw no bet. There are instances when it's challenging to determine the stronger team in a match. Therefore, in matches where the teams are evenly matched, a 0 handicap, meaning neither team has an advantage, is common. Example: Wales vs Switzerland Match Let's consider another recent example, the match between Wales and Switzerland in Euro 2020. In this match, the bookmaker set a 0 handicap, and as shown in the image, neither team is highlighted in red. If Wales wins, players who bet on them will receive a payout of 2.53 times their initial bet. For instance, if you bet 100 points on Wales and they win, you would receive 253 points. On the other hand, if Switzerland wins, players would only receive a payout of 1.53 times their initial bet. If the match ends in a draw, known as a draw no bet, players get their initial bet back regardless of which team they bet on. Calculating Winnings/Losses for Half Handicaps When players win or lose half a handicap, calculating the payout becomes slightly more complicated than winning/losing a full handicap. In this type of bet, when players lose, they only lose half of their bet, and when they win, they only win half of the bet. For example, if a player bets 100 points and loses half a bet, they will lose half of their bet. If they win half a bet, they will only win half of their bet.  
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      Uetn Pindi police arrest 14 for wheeling during night operation A home-brewing technique used to extract morphine from unwashed poppy seeds can produce lethal doses of the drug, according to research at Sam Houston State University.Madeleine Swortwood, an assistant professor in the Department of Forensic Science, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics outlets[/url] began investigating the issue after being contacted by the father of a 21-year-old man who died after ingesting home-brewed poppy seed tea. It is one of many deaths [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es]chanclas yeezy[/url] and overdoses in morgues and emergency rooms that have been suspected from the home-brewed drug.Swortwood a [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance damen[/url] nd her student tested 22 samples of bulk poppy seeds purchased legally on the internet using four home-brewing methods found on drug users鈥?forums. The study traced three main components of the drug 鈥?including morphine, codeine, and thebaine -- and found these techniques could produce lethal levels of morphine based on moderate use. While thebaine is not an addictive component, it was included in testing because it is valuable in identifying the poppy seeds as the source There was a need to include retired judges and senior lawyers on neutral panels of dispute resolution bodies.This was suggested by lawyers during a hearing of the Senate Standing Committee on Law and Justice as it discussed the Alternative [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb 574[/url] Dispute Resolution Bill 2017 on Wednesday.The meeting, held with committee chairman Senator Javed Abbasi in the chair, noted that the law has already been passed by the National Assembly while the Senate has also discussed it in detail.Senator Abbasi noted that some amendments proposed by the committee members had been incorporated into the legislation, a statement from the Senate Secretariat said.On Wednesday, the committee invited representatives of the Islamabad Bar Council, Islamabad Bar Association and Islamabad High Court Bar Association to give their input.A representative of the Islamabad Bar Council said that the system for out-of-court settlement of l [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley products[/url] itigations was in practice in [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]new balance 996[/url] many countries, including Pakistan, where litigants are allow
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      Yjer 2016 Rio Olympics: PBF a bit late in preparing for qualifiers LONDON:Striker Harry Kane hit a first-half hat-trick as Tottenham stormed up to second in the Premier League with a 4-0 home demolition of Stoke on Sunday.Kane's treble took his tally to 17 league goals this season, while his first of the d [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb zapatillas[/url] ay at White Hart Lane was his 100th club goal.The En [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]newbalance 530[/url] gland forward, 23, who also scored three against Fulham in the FA Cup a week ago, capped an outstanding all-round display by setting up Dele Alli for the fourth.That helped Alli to draw a line under his dismissal against Gent that contributed to Spurs' E [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas adidas samba[/url] uropa League exit on Thursday.Tottenham's victory took them above Manchester City and closed the gap on runaway leaders Chelsea to 10 points.After the match, manager Mauricio Pochettino labelled Kane as one of the world's best strikers "He's playing at a very good level," Pochettino told the BBC. 聽"He's one of the best strikers in the world. He deserves it because he's a great professional."The Argentine coach also said that he was delighted with mid Sleep is essential for function and survival and not getting enough can increase the risk of chronic health conditions including heart disease, depression and diabetes. How can we make sure we鈥檙e getting enough quality sleep? A new study from Harvard Medical School suggests eating more protein may help.Blocking out the worldA key process for sleep is suppressing sensory arousal, in essence, being able to block out the world around us. The exact mechanisms by which this occurs are not well understood. The new paper outlines that information from different senses is processed through independent mechanisms as we sleep.Dr. Dragana Rogulja, an associate professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]air forceone[/url] , identifi [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy boost[/url] ed a peptide that promotes sensory arousal suppression by genetically s [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunk sb[/url] creening flies that were hard to wake. Their team developed a system that delivered low, medium or high-intensity vibrations to sleeping flies, which enabled them to identify the flie
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      Corx SHC issues contempt notice to Sindh Zakat Council chairperson ISLAMABAD:Pakistan Computer Association (PCA) has submitted proposals and a datasheet to the government for incorporating it in the upcoming budget 2016-2017 which are [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanleycup[/url] aimed at further promoting the information technology (IT) sector in the country. The tax policy proposals focus on the withdrawal of some taxes and imposition of fixed duties [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley[/url] /taxes on IT produc [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba blanche[/url] ts. These measures are taken to encourage legal imports of IT products and removal of GST charges so that the IT industry is provided with a level-playing field. Apart from the datasheet, the PCA has also suggested proposals on other important issues affecting the IT industry, including the Import Trade Price, increase in the limit of GST registration charges and revision of valuation of guidelines for IT Imports.Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2016. Humedics GmbH has announced that another key patent protecting Humedics鈥?proprietary technology has been granted by Australian authorities.The Australian patent AU20062664108 covers an analysis method for determining a functional parameter of an organ using a 13C labeled methacetin solution.鈥淭his patent is a milestone for the commercialization of our LiMAx test and the corresponding FLIP device鈥? says Prof. Dr. Karsten Heyne, co-founder of Humedics GmbH.Prof. Heyne con [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] tinued, 鈥淲e receive so much positive feedback on this test system from clinical users and, from a company perspective, it is great that the essential part of our proprietary technology is [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk nike[/url] protected by now.鈥漈he un [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezy slides[/url] derlying principle of the test involves the following steps: At first, a13Cmethacetin solution is administered intravenously. Methacetin is metabolized in the liver to paracetamol and 13CO2 and the latter is exhaled in the breath.The exhaled air is collected via a respiratory mask. Subsequent measurement of 13CO2
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      Uwtm Drug bust: ANF sizes over 80kg drugs, seven arrested Chairman Privatisation Commission (PC) Mohammad Zubair has been chosen for the post of Sindh governor.According to Express News,聽Zubair, elder brother of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Asad Umar, was named for the position by the ruling PML-N for his soft spoken image and ability to deal with the emerging political situation in Karachi.A notification in this [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb balance[/url] regard is expected soon.Sindh governor Justice (retd) Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui passes awayThe post of the provincial head fell vacant after the death of the serving Sindh governor Justice (retd) Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui on January 11.The former Supreme Court judge, who replaced Ishratul Ibad Khan as the 31st governor of Sindh, fell ill soon after taking oath of the Governor鈥檚 office.A [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba rose[/url] graduate of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Zubair is a former chairman of the Board of Investment, and has also served in IBM from 1981-2007.鈥淧akistan can only accelerate in growth if Karachi is able to [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley brand[/url] play its role towards devel AstraZeneca announced has that the European Commission has granted marketing authorization for the oral anti-cancer drug, IRESSA for the treatment of adults with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with activating mutations of EGFR-TK across all lines of therapy.The authorization is based on a submission package including two pivotal Phase III studie [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike store dunk[/url] s compari [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics sneaker[/url] ng IRESSA with chemotherapy, IPASS and INTEREST.IRESSA acts by inhibiting the tyrosine kinase enzyme in the EGFR, thus blocking the transmission of signals involved in the growth and spread of tumors. A mutation in the EGFR is a characteristic occurring in 10- [url=https://www.jordann.at]nike jordan[/url] 15% of lung cancers in non-Asians, and studies have shown that these types of tumors are particularly sensitive to IRESSA.Anders Ekblom, Executive Vice President for Development at AstraZeneca, said: "IRESSA is the first truly targeted treatment for lung cancer, and the EU marketing authorization represents an important step forward in the treatme
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