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Buenos días! El desayuno del viernes :)

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Buenos días niñas!

Viernes por fin :fiesta:

Hoy me quedo en casa de mi hermana, me llevaré el portátil y después de comer me siento un ratito con vosotras :D (esconderé el cargador en el bolso)

Ayer se me fue y no os lo conté y tan temprano me ha venido la inspiración :meapunto: llevaba unos pantalones que se me caen un poco, pero son muy fresquitos :D el caso es que estaba comprando y casi los pierdo :o se me quedaron por las rodillas :nodigona::lol: se los voy a dar a mi hermana a ver si le van porque este cuerpo no está como para hacer streptease :anda-ya: 

@Raopi que tal las vacaciones? :beso: 

@claudia16 hoy empiezas las tuyas :fiesta:

@manheim :beso: 

@covaro con los dedos cruzados todas :beso: 

@encarnasao achuchones dobles :beso:

@alumna como vais? :beso: 

Feliz día para tod@s! :beso: :beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso:














Y de Pinterest, esta idea para una camiseta que me parece una monada :meapunto:



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Bueno dias guapa y cia:)


La noche ya más justita de viento y dicen que ésta noche peor :grrr: pero bueno... si son sólo de vez en cuando y el lunes vuelve el fresco;)

Ya veo que de tanto ajetreo debes estar poniendo un tipito :coqueta: regalando pantalones :lol:

igual puedes recuperar esas ropas que guardas de hace tiempo :dientes:

Ayer mirando fotos...(estoy haciendo una recopilacion para mis hijos) lo mio ha sido progresivo (el engorde) que rabía me dá:grrr:  y no hay manera, bajo algo en 2 meses.... y es que en :( 4 días lo recupero :bate:


Lo dicho al final un calco de mi madre:nodigona:

Las teorias me las sé todas... que si esto no va bien... que si aquello, en fin que para un placer que te queda:cry:

Con lo bueno que está todo :lol:


Cambio de tema.


Hoy toca ir a comprar algo por la mañana, de nuevo tarde de suegra e igual quedamos con unos amigos a tomar algo.. que mi marido es de salir poco:pelea:

Mañana voy a ir al mercado a por buenos tomates :meapunto:

Llevo en mente muchas cosas para hacer pero no voy a complicarme, mi hijo me a dicho que se iba a la playa con su chica (quién la a visto y quién lo ve :lol:... odia la playa... pero por amor!!)


Mi hija en Japon está alucinando de tanta cosa, deben querer llegar a todo y creo que "moriran" :lol:


Os mando un abrazo:beso::beso:

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Buenos días 


@Vicky que a pasado ?   :Emoji-33: Te as caido de la cama?  :nodigona:  :lol:  :lol:


@encarnasao  :beso:  :beso:


@covaro  cruzando los dedos de las manos y los pies  :beso:


@alumna y nuestra princesa :beso:  :beso:


@Bocata_jam  ya mismo corriendo los 100 metros lisos ;)  :beso:


@mendia   yo también iba a los campamentos y mis hijos también, lo pasábamos estupendamente :dientes:   :beso:


@paiper ese niño esta precioso (visto la foto que tienes en el perfil )  :beso:


@jalapa ya leí lo de "panza de burra" y siempre se me olvidaba comentártelo ,gracias  :beso:


Esta @Missis ya se me a adelantado  :pelea:  :lol:  :beso:


Voy a arreglar el patio que mañana queremos hacer barbacoa de sardinas, ahora llamare al pescadero por si no tiene ahorrarme el viaje.


Vamos por el fin de semana :guapa:  :guapa:  :guapa:  :guapa:  :guapa:  :guapa:  :guapa: 


Me llevo mi cola-cao fresquito y nos leemos luego cuando vuelva por mi fresquita, un trozo de tortilla  y @Vicky esa copa en el congelador, gracias guapa y con cuerpo de maniquí  ;)






Editado por manheim
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Buenos días. Hoy volveremos a pasar de los 40º por aquí, pero para el domingo anuncian lluvias en media España, así que algo bajarán las temperaturas la semana que viene.

En Lidl traen el día 4 una panificadora, modelo nuevo, por si a alguien le interesa. También cubiertos, objetos de aperitivo y vajilla infantil, todo de bambú. Y ropa de niño y sandalias.

@Vicky Anda que menudo espectáculo con el pantalón caído. :dientes:

Gracias por el desayuno. :beso:


@encarnasao Ánimo.:beso:


@Missis julio ha sido un mes de mucho calor pero agosto no creo que llegue a tanto, será menos caluroso.:beso:


@manheim Disfruta del fresquito de estas horas matinales.:beso:




@mendia Seguro que B. disfruta en la granja y tendrá muchas cosas que contar a la vuelta.:beso:


@argala ¿No te llevan labor estos días? Unas pequeñas vacaciones no te vienen mal.:up::beso:


@neska Descansa hasta el lunes, que en Madrid has tenido mucho "meneo".:dientes::beso:




Pasad todas un magnífico día y acordaos de ser felices.:beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso:

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buenos dias

por aquí la temperaturas aguantables, por lo menos hasta ahora, creo que hoy suben algo. aunque yo me queje de calor reconozco que son mucho mas frescas que por ahí.

llevo despierta desde las seis y hoy que joaquin se ha ido ala siete a subir un monte:anda-ya: no me he podido volver a dormir.
el otro joaquin también se va a hora de excursión a la playa y yo a la oficina y a la tarde una demo, cruzares los dedos pero tengo poca fe.

marta muchísimas felicidades:fiesta::fiesta:

virginia todo bien?:up:


carmina yo también soy como mi madre y lo que me mas rabia me da es que yas cada vez se parece mas a mi y lo que le cuesta mantenerse,:(

niña si pierdes los pantalones es que estas perdiendo peso, a mi también se me cae alguno. me alegro que estés disfrutando de tu hermana y de su piscina;)

me llevo mi desayuno y os deseo un buen día   :beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso:


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Muy buenos días @Vicky y todasssssssssssss:)

Gracias por el desayuno, me quedo con lo saladito...:up:

El día promete, pro no creo que pasemos de los 30º8)

@Marta.S Muchas felicidades guapetona!!!




Hoy tenemos celebración de cumpleaños, con otro concurso de tortillas, a ver que pasa, esta vez soy jurado...:dientes:

Pues sí, ayer me fuí a casa, ya empezaré en serio el gym la semana que viene y tal, que las reentrés así, de sopetón, no molan...:lol:

Que risa lo del pantalón niña, si te veo me da tal ataque de aún estaría riéndome...:lol::lol::lol:

Bueno, por ahora poco que contar, que a ver si todo bien en la casas donde hay algún pochit@y desearos un buen viernes, que ya mañana no hay que madrugar a golpe de despertador...:bate:

Besukis a todas:beso::fiesta:


la luna de Madrissssssssss





y mis vecinos asomados al balcón...cotilleando, como debe ser, para eso son los vecinos..........:dientes:como por aquí....tropecientas visitas y poquitas entradas.....pues cotilleando y eso....:dientes::lol::lol::fiesta:






Editado por neska
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Buenos días!


Que mal nos ha sentado la vuelta al calor...no hemos pegado ojo en toda la noche, así que a las 4:45 estábamos todos en pie. Llegaré al final del día? :nodigona:


@Vicky, ya veo que la vuelta al trabajo te está sentando bien en todos los sentidos :fiesta:

Las vacaciones fueron muy bien. De vagueo total, pero lo necesitábamos. Yo no era consciente de lo agotada que estaba...


@Missis, el otro día me contaba mi hermana que la pediatra de sus hijos le había dicho que la Nocilla no aportaba nada nutricionalmente...y? :lol: como si no lo supiésemos! 



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Buenos días por la mañana :up:


llevo despierta desde las cinco, me levante a las 7, seguro que me da sueño en un ratito y como tengo una hora menos y nadie se ha levantado (bueno la machupichu que tiene mi madre de noche, qie está recogiendo) pues me vuelvo a la cama, antes desayuno, eso de desayunar y acostarte me mola un montón :D


los días aquí muy feos, es lo qie tiene la pq sa, luego en octubre, justo cuando empiece el cole, empieza el verano.... A mí me gustan porque no hace calor sofocante pero los que viven aquí todo él años están que trina:anda-ya: no saben lo que es calor sofocante, bueno si sube de 27 es inaguantable:grrr:


@Vicky que haces perdiendo pantalones por la calle??? Si, sé que hace calor pero no para tanto mujer... O quieres hacer streptease?:o


@encarnasao anímate que esa demo saldrá seguro :up: aquí sin thermomix en oficina :burla:


@Marta.S no sé si cumple o santo pero muchísimas felicidades, que tengas un día precioso como los sueles tener :beso::beso::beso:


me llevo mi desayuno y me vuelvo a la cama :burla:


buen en día a todas :beso::beso::beso:

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    • Methrenscoro
      Cxhr Camel Jockeys: Popular Arab sport costs Pakistani boy his sanity Telecom giant Jazz has launched its very own ride-hailing service in the cou [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba adidas[/url] ntry.Called mLift, the service has [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]nb[/url] been rolled-out to customers in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 鈥淎s we march forward in bridging the gap between digital enablement for our users, we are launching an on-demand intra-city ride booking service, mLift, where customers can book a ride simply by dialing 7555,鈥?reads a statement on the company鈥檚 website.New ride-hailing service Paxi looks to go beyond appsThe service works by connecting riders with nearby taxi drivers over the company鈥檚 free call service through which they can negotiate rates before booking a ride. The location based service, which takes a step ahead of conventional ride-hailing services, works without mobile internet and doesn鈥檛 require a dedicated app hence聽connecting millions of more Jazz users to the ride-haling platform.mLift also addresses legal issues some ride-hailing companies have been facing recently by taking on board registered taxi [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance rose[/url] drivers The research team, led by BHF Professor Michael Schneider at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, used stem cells to grow heart tissue and mimic a 鈥榟eart attack in a dish鈥? and were able to block the chemical signals within heart muscle that lead to cell death and heart damage. The te [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunkpanda[/url] am are the first to discover that a protein called MAP4K4 plays a central role in how heart muscle cells die off as a response to the stress of a heart attack. They have managed to develop a potential drug that targets this protein and can minimise [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]air force1[/url] damage after a heart attack by 60 per cent, in mice.A heart attack happens when a blood clot blocks one of the main coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. The heart is starved of oxygen and nutrients and the muscle produces stre [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan2[/url] ss signals that ultimately cause heart cells to die. This means that the heart can鈥檛 pump effectively and this can lead to heart failure. Heart failure is a debilitating condition that
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      Gkgj N Korean colonel, diplomat defected to South: Seoul CHAKWAL:A man was killed and another injured in a collision between two m [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus verdi[/url] otorcycles in Chakwal on Friday. Usama Mumtaz was driving home when he hit Waheed Gul near Khoda village.They were taken to a hospital where Mumtaz died and Gul is in critical condition.Published in T [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance pour homme[/url] he Exp [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]samba adidas og[/url] ress Tribune, August 27th, 2016. A research team led by Prof. Stephan Ludwig, a virologist at the Institute of Virology at the University of M眉nster, has found a new dual attack mode of action while working on the development of a drug candidate against SARS-CoV-2 infections. This could constitute the basis for a broadly effective drug to fight Covid 19. The data, which have now been published in the journal 鈥淐ellular and Molecular Life Sciences鈥? provided the basis for the approval issued by the German Institute of Drugs and Medicinal Products for a clinical study currently being worked on.The drug can not only inhibit the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 viruses in cells, but also reduce the exaggerated immune response which represents a serious problem in severe cases of Covid. 鈥淚n the results we have publ [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezy 350[/url] ished, we have been able for the first time to show such a dual action for an anti-Covid 19 agent,鈥?explains S [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan schuhe[/url] tephan Ludwig, who has overall responsibility for the research work. The team is collabor [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk homme[/url] ating with research
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      Gqna Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in China LAHORE:The Tourism Development Corporation [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba blancas[/url] of Punjab (TDCP) will hold the first Thal Jeep Rally in southern Punjab from November 3 where about 70 drivers will showcase their skills at the three-day event.Addressing a news conference on Tuesday, TDCP Managing Director Ahmer Mallick said after th [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]nb 530[/url] e success of Cholistan Jeep Rally, the corporation was introducing another motor sport event in the [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley-cup[/url] desert belt of Muzaffargarh and Layyah districts.The corporation would register and conduct technical inspections of vehicles on Thursday. Later, a drivers and navigators conference would be organised in Faisal Stadium鈥檚 Gymnasium Hall in Muzaffargarh.The qualifying round for the race would start from Changa Manga Teela on Friday while the winners of the qualifying round would showcase their driving skills on the race day on November 5.Mallick said the corporation had developed a race track of over 180 kilometres from Changa Manga Teela to Kermanwala via Jhok Wazirwala, Kheriwala, Gudara, Mehmoodwa A team of researchers at the Neuroscience Institute at Georgi [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]dunk low mujer[/url] a State University has discovered that hidden differences in the properties of neural circuits can account for whether animals are behaviorally susceptible to brain injury. These results could have implications for the treatment of brain trauma.People vary in their responses to stroke and trauma, which impedes the ability of physicians to predict patient outcomes. Damage to the brain and nervous system can lead to severe disabilities, including epilepsy and cognitive imp [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] airment.If doctors could predict outcomes with greater accuracy, patients might benefit from more tailored treatments. Unfortunately, the complexity of the human brain hinders efforts to explain why similar brain damage can affect each person differently.The researchers used a unique research animal, a sea slug called Tritonia diomedea, to [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics laufschuhe[/url] study this question. This animal was used because unlike humans, it has a small number of neurons and its behavior is simp
    • Methrenscoro
      Kfxf Gene Therapy Reveals Effect of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids LAHORE:The US has offered to provide all-out technical assistance to [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus 00's[/url] train police on modern lines and capacity-building of Punjab police. The offer came from US International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Assistant Secretary of State William R Brownfield during a meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Friday. The official said he had visited ove [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba og[/url] r 90 police headquarters in the world but the standard of work at the Punjab police headquarters was the highest. 鈥淚mprovement in the polici [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] ng system with the help of information technology was highly laudable,鈥?he added. He said he was happy to know that Punjab police had been given a new face with the help of information technology.Published in The Express Tribune, October 22nd, 2016. Neanderthal introgression Thanks to fossil and DNA evidence, we now know that Neanderthals lived alongside early humans for at least part of their existence. It鈥檚 possible that they lived very closely, in fact. 鈥淪ome of us carry, in DNA, sequences that are genetically closer to [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]af1[/url] Neanderthals than to Homo sapiens. These sequences are usually rather short and, when summed over the whole genome of an individual, represent only a few percents of the DNA of that individual,鈥?Pierre Faux, a senior researcher at theFrench National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, says.The Neanderthal introgression hypothesis s [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy[/url] uggests that these sequences found in modern humans ar [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]dunk nike high[/url] e a result of Homo sapiens interbreeding with Neanderthals approximately 50,000 years ago. 鈥淩ecent advances in science, in particular thanks to the sequencing of Neanderthal genomes with high precision, made that hypothesis a likely explanation for the closeness of these sequences.鈥漀eanderthal genome sequencingIn 2010,
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      Enhr Israeli-American Scientist Wins 2016 Eppendorf & Science Prize LONDON:British polic [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus beige[/url] e said on Thursday they had arrested a man on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack after stopping him while he was carrying knives near Britain's parliament.Police said the man was in his late twenties, and was detained on a major [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley-cup[/url] street between parliament and the residence of Prime Minister Theresa May, on suspicion of committing or instigating acts of terrorism an [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley cup[/url] d possession of an offensive weapon. Firearms officers from the British police arrest a man on Whitehall near the Houses of Parliament in central London on April 27, 2017. PHOTO: AFP Scientists at the Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona, Spain, have dev [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy ciabatte[/url] eloped and validated an identity test that can be used to confirm the breed and origin of meat from farm animals.The test was developed in collaboration with Applied Biosystems and uses a number of specific genetic markers to identify individual animals, providing complete meat traceability and ensuring protection for consumers. The findings are published in the December 2007 issue of the scientific journal, Animal Genetics, Vol. 6, issue 38.Professor Armand S谩nchez and his colleagues from the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona, and scientists from Applied Biosystems have developed a panel of 46 genetic markers that are all single nucl [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics gel[/url] eotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are single sites of variation in the animal鈥檚 DNA sequence. Regions o [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunk low[/url] f DNA variation are commonly used for identification purposes, such as in human paternity tests and genetic fingerprinting, but these methods have
    • Methrenscoro
      Aeyn Seeking A Better Way To Design Drugs A five-year old girl diagnosed with cancer was granted a wish on the top of her list: marrying her six-year-old best friend.Eileidh Paterson from Forres, Scotland was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, when she was just two-years-old. Upon discovering her cancer, Eileidh started writing a list of things she wanted to do, with marrying her best friend, Harrison Grier, on top of her wish list, The Independent聽reported.鈥淲hen we were told in February that any treatment now would just prolong her life and that ultimately she wouldn鈥檛 survive, we decided to make a bucket list of thin [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]new balance 480[/url] gs she would love to do and make as [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr]stanley cups[/url] many memories as possible,"聽Eiliedh's mother, Gail Paterson, told CBC News. PHOTO: EILIEDIHS [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba og[/url] JOURNEY/ FACEBOOK In only 25 years, ocean melting has caused ice thinning to spread across West Antarctica so rapidly that 24% of its glacier ice is now affected, according to a new study.By combining 25 years of European Space Agency satellite altimeter measurements and a model of the regional climate, the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) have tracked changes in snow and ice cover across the continent.A team of researchers, led by Professor Andy Shepherd from School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds, found that Antarctica鈥檚 ice sheet has thinned by up to 122 metres in places, with the most rapid changes occurring [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike store dunk[/url] in West Antarctica wher [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse[/url] e ocean melting has triggered glacier imbalance.This means that the affected glaciers are unstable as they are losing more mass through melting and iceberg calving than they are gaining [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 550[/url] through snowfall.The team found that the pattern of glacier thinning has not been static.Since 1992, the thinning has spread across 24% of West Antar
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    • Methrenscoro
      Hwbn Big leap for Snap as messaging app debuts on Wall Street Former Pakistan captain and fast-bowling great Wasim Akram has lashed out at former Pakistan players for not applying for the post of head coach left vacant after Waqar Younis's resignation.The 1992 World Cup final man-of-the-match award winner, along with former Pakistan opener and [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance beige[/url] famous commentator Ramiz Raja, was part of a two-member committee formed by the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to select the new head coach of the national team.PCB ap [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus noir[/url] points South African Mickey Arthur as head coachIn a veiled jibe at former Pakistan players Mohsin Khan and Aaqib Javed,聽Akram while speaking to a local channel said,聽"What sort of attitude and mindset is this. One former player said I will apply and talk directly to the chairman. When you have such a mindset how can one expect them to work well with the Pakistan team."Further, Akram said the new coach will need some time to turn things around. 鈥淒on't expect Arthur to do wonders immediately,鈥?h [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb zapatillas[/url] e said. 鈥淥ne should not expect him to bring about im The development plan was based on positive input from key op [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics gelkayano[/url] inion leaders in cancer immunotherapy. The Company has also successfully manufactured test batches of DPX-Survivac and established the analytical methods to support the release of a future clinical trial batch."We look forward to advancing the clinical development of DPX-Survivac as a potential treatment for ovarian cancer," said Dr. Randal Chase, President and CEO of Immunovaccine. "This is a silent disease for which so many women are diagnosed once the cancer is in an advanced stage and treatment options are limited."About the Development Plan for DPX-SurvivacInitial immunogenicity studies in a mouse model showed that Survivac peptides, formulated in DepoVax鈩? produced more antigen-specific, interferon gamma-producing immune cells, compared to a control f [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance sneaker[/url] ormulation previously used in clinical trials. Preliminary safety assessments also indicated that the vaccine administered to mice was well tolerated.The clin [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slides[/url] ical developmen
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      Xcrv Harvard debate on Kashmir: Uprising in IOK a 鈥榙e facto plebiscite鈥?for freedom COLOMBO:Sri Lankan wicketkeeper Kusal Perera targeted a swift return Thursday to international cricket after officials admitted the analysis of a doping test which triggered his suspension had been botched.An emotional Perera told reporters he had suffered "treme [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas sambarose[/url] ndous mental stress" after testing positive for a banned anabolic steroid in Qatar last year but insisted he always knew he would be eventually cleared."I had not done anything wrong, but I went through tremendous mental stress," Perera said at a press conference staged by Sri Lanka's board.ICC drop Perera doping case over botched analysis"I want to start practising and get back to international cricket at the earliest."The 25-year-old said he was hopeful of being fit and ready to play in the home series against Australia at the end of July, linking up with his team-mates who are currently on tour in England."I thank [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg fellboots[/url] my fans and the board [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba blancas[/url] who stood by me during this trying period. I knew I would be cleared. I am relieved all th KineMed, Inc. announce an agreement with Amgen to apply KineMed鈥檚 mass spectrometric Dynamic Proteomics platform to the study of brain protein homeostasis linked to neurodegenerative diseases.鈥淣or [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk[/url] mal brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the brain. Diagnostic tests have not previously been available th [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy schuh[/url] at reflect the underlying dynamics of the proteins believed to play a causal role in neurodegeneration. This has been a major obstacle in developing drugs that slow the accumulation of these misfolded proteins,鈥?said Dr. Fanara, Vice President of Neuroscience at Kine [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk femme[/url] Med and Principal Investigator on this study.Neurodegenerative disease is a significant health burden worldwide with few effective treatment options available to patients; according to the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center, without the development of new treatments, in 30 years鈥?time more than 12 milli
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