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SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación (Edito: importante)

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

Bizcocho de manzana y canela (Thermomix)

3 huevos grandes
2 manzanas
1 cucharada de canela molida
100 gramos (1 cubilete) de aceite de girasol
1 yogur natural
200 gramos de azúcar
170 gramos de harina
1 sobre de levadura química
Sal (un pellizquito)
Mantequilla y harina para el molde

Pelar, trocear y triturar una de las manzanas (6 segundos, velocidad 6). Reservar, lavar el vaso y secar muy bien. Pelamos la otra manzana y la cortamos en rodajas o en abanicos.
Batir las claras a punto de nieve, con un pelín de sal (mariposa en las cuchillas, 6 minutos, velocidad 3 y ½.). Reservar.
Ponemos las yemas y el azúcar en el vaso, y programamos 2 minutos, temperatura 37º, velocidad 3.
Añadimos el aceite, la canela y el yogur, y mezclamos 15 segundos, velocidad 3, sin temperatura. Agregamos la harina y la levadura, y mezclamos durante 12 segundos, velocidad 2 y ½. Terminamos de envolver la harina con la espátula, sin remover demasiado.
Vertemos la mezcla en un molde de corona, untado con mantequilla y espolvoreado con harina. Decoramos con las rodajitas de manzana.
Horneamos a 170º durante unos 35 a 45 minutos, aproximadamente, dependiendo de los hornos. (pinchamos con una aguja para ver si está hecho).
Desmoldamos, y dejamos enfriar sobre una rejilla.


Autor: Morguix

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

Judías verdes con gambas y jamón (Thermomix)

750 g de judías verdes (frescas)
80 g de jamón ibérico
100 g de gambas peladas (pueden ser frescas o descongeladas)
1 tomate
2 dientes de ajo
1 cebolla pequeña o ½ grande
1 pastilla de caldo de verduras o 1 cucharada sopera de concentrado de verduras
50 cl (medio cubilete) de aceite
200-250 gramos de agua (según nos gusten de caldosas)

Limpiar las judías, quitarles los extremos y las hebras, y trocear. Reservar.
Rallar el tomate.
En el vaso de la Thermomix, poner la cebolla troceada y los dientes de ajo pelados, y triturar 5 segundos a velocidad 7. Bajar lo que se quede en las paredes con la espátula.
Añadir el aceite, y programar 6 minutos, temperatura 100º, velocidad 2.
Añadimos el tomate, y programamos 3 minutos, temperatura 100º, velocidad 2.
Añadimos las judías y el jamón, y programamos 2 minutos, velocidad cuchara, giro a la izquierda, temperatura 100º
Cuando pare, agregamos el agua y la pastilla de caldo o la cucharada de concentrado de verduras, y programamos 15 minutos, velocidad cuchara, giro a la izquierda, temperatura Varoma. No tapar con el cubilete.
Cuando falten 5 minutos, añadimos las gambas (antes no, porque se quedarían muy resecas).
Comprobamos si las judías están tiernas cuando pare la máquina, y, si hace falta, programaremos 1-2 minutos más (sin cambiar la velocidad ni la temperatura).


Autor: Morguix

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación


Para el relleno de carne
1/2 kilo de carne picada de ternera
2 cebollas grandes
1 cucharada de concentrado Bovril (extracto de carne de buey)
50 gr de aceite de oliva virgen extra.
queso rallado para gratinar
Perejil picado
sal y pimienta

Puré de Patatas

1 kilo de patatas
400 gr. de leche
60 gr de mantequilla
sal y pimienta

- Poner en el vaso las dos cebollas y triturar 6 seg. velocidad 4.
- Añadir el aceite y programar, 10 mint, temperatura Varoma, giro a la izquierda velocidad cuchara.
- Añadir el medio kilo de carne y la cucharada de Bovril, un poco de sal y pimienta (no mucha sal que el concentrado ya lleva) y con la espátula deshacer la carne para que no se hagan bolas y programar, 20 mint, temperatura 100º, giro izquierda, velocidad cuchara. Reservar la carne en un bol.
- Poner la mariposa en el vaso y añadir las patatas cortadas a trozos no muy grandes, la leche, la sal y la pimienta y programar, 30 minutos, temperatura 90º, velocidad 1.
- Acabado el tiempo, añadir la mantequilla y programar 1 minuto, velocidad 3.

En una fuente para horno, poner la mitad del puré como base, añadir encima de la mitad del puré toda la carne y sobre ésta el resto del puré que queda y espolvorear con el queso rallado. Gratinar.

Si no se va a utilizar enseguida no se pone el queso rallado.
Este pastel, está mejor si se deja reposar de un día para otro.
Para calentar si se va a comer al día siguiente, ponerlo al horno a 180º hasta que veáis que está caliente. También se puede poner en el micro.

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

Hamburguesas Vegetales (Thermomix)



110 gr pimiento rojo

110 gr pimiento verde

330 gr de calabacín con piel

100 gr de zanahoria

140 gr de cebolla

1 diente de ajo

2 ramitas de perejil

50 gr de aceite de oliva

100 gr de brotes de soja escurridos

1 huevo

50 gr de pan rallado, sal, pimienta.

- 200 gr de leche
- 100 gr de agua
- 50 gr de mantequila
- 500 gr de harina
- un sobre de levadura
- 1 cucharada de azúcar
- ½ cucharada de sal
- 1 huevo

Preparación de la hamburguesa:

Ponga en el vaso la cebolla, el pimiento verde y el pimiento rojo todo troceado y programe tiempo 1 segundo y velocidad 5. Saque y reserve.

Introduzca el calabacín y programe 1 segundo y velocidad 5. Saque y reserve. Ponga la zanahoria, el perejil y el ajo y programe 1 segundo y velocidad 5.

Ponga la mariposa a las cuchillas, agregue todas las verduras excepto los brotes de soja y programe temperatura varoma, 24 minutos y velocidad cuchara, y no ponga el cubilete para favorecer la evaporación del agua de las verduras. Cuando termine deje enfriar.

Incorpore los brotes de soja y programe 1 segundo y velocidad 3. Añada el huevo, eche sal y una pizca de pimienta, mezcle programando 15 segundos, velocidad 3. Compruebe el punto de sal y eche el pan rallado,y programe 30 segundos, velocidad 3. Saque del vaso y reserve en la nevera una hora como mínimo para que coja consistencia.

Dé forma a las hamburguesas, rebócelas en harina o pan rallado y fría en aceite caliente, pero no excesivamente caliente para que no tomen un color muy tostado, y escurra sobre un papel de cocina.

Preparación del pan:
Poner en el vaso la leche el agua y la mantequilla a 50º, 2 min., vel. 1.

Añadir 200 gr de harina, la levadura y el azúcar y mezclar unos segundos en vel. 4, con la máquina en marcha en vel. 4 añadir el huevo.

Luego añadir el resto de la harina y la sal y una vez que esté todo integrado, 5 min., vel. Espiga. Dejar reposar como media hora y formar los bollitos, se pincelan con agua y se echan las semillas de sésamo. Dejamos reposar nuevamente media hora y al horno precalentado a 200º unos diez minutos .

Formar las hamburguesas de lo que mas os guste, lechuga, queso , bacon.....

Fuente : Thermomix Magazine


Autor: laspacas
Caldereta de pescado (Th)

Yo había probado esta receta en la delegación de Thermomix y me gustó mucho. Total que hasta que no la he conseguido, no he parado, (que se lo digan a Canelona, que la he molestado un montón), pero ha merecido la pena. Un plato barato, rico y lleno de vitaminas.

-2 filetes de merluza congelados (yo 3, porque no eran grandes)
-2 dientes de ajo
-150 g. de cebolla
-1 puerro mediano
-50 g. de aceite de oliva
-600 g. de agua
-1 cdta de sal.
-1 pellizco de pimienta
-150 g. de judias verdes (las mías congeladas)
-2 zanahorias medianas en rodajas
-2 patatas medianas peladas y chascadas en trozos no muy pequeños
-150 grs. de champiñón laminado
-2 huevos duros picados
-Perejil picado para espolvorear

Descongele el pescado y córtelo en trozos medianos.

Ponga en el vaso los ajos, cebolla y puerros (yo también he puesto la zanahoria para que quede bien troceada y los niños se la coman) y trocee programando 4 seg. Vel 4.

Baje los restos de las paredes, añada el aceite y programe 7 minutos (yo 10 minutos y sin cubilete) temp. Varoma, vel. 1.
Incorpore el agua, la sal y la pimienta, las judías verdes y la zanahoria y porgrame 30 minutos 100º, giro a la izquierda y vel. Cuchara. A los 10 minutos añada las patatas y los champiñones por el bocal.

Acabado el tiempo, incorpore el pescado cortado en trozos medianos y programe sin temperatura, 5 minutos, giro a la izquierda y vel. cuchara (como mis filetes eran finos los he incorporado al vaso en los últimos 3 minutos de cocción y ha quedado bien).
Vuelque en una fuente honda, añada los huevos duros y el perejil picado y sirva.

Fuente: Libro Cocina económica. Original de Lali Pujol

Autor: temusan

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

FARTONS lolitoba


receta de meri
500 g de harina de fuerza
100 g de agua
125 g de mantequilla
150 g de azúcar
3 huevos medianos (60g cada uno)
50 g de levadura panadera
3 g de sal

Ponemos en el vaso Th el agua, azúcar, mantequilla y huevos.
Programamos 2’ velc. 6
Agregamos la levadura. Programamos 1’ velc. 6
Añadimos harina y sal. Programamos 15’’ velc. 6 y luego 3’ espiga.
He dejado en la Th unos 30’
Pasado el tiempo he ido pesando 25 g de masa y he ido haciendo bolitas.
Una vez todas hechas he empezado por la primera bolita a hacer barritas de unos 25 cm (no he medido, así que han salido como han querido)
Dejamos levar hasta que triplique su volumen.
Calentamos el horno a 200º
Metemos los fartons unos 9’
Después pintamos con una glasa con 100 g de azúcar glás y 20 g de agua.

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

bollitos hechos con la receta de los fartons picapusa


receta de meri
500 g de harina de fuerza
100 g de agua
125 g de mantequilla
150 g de azúcar
3 huevos medianos (60g cada uno)
50 g de levadura panadera
3 g de sal

Ponemos en el vaso Th el agua, azúcar, mantequilla y huevos.
Programamos 2’ velc. 6
Agregamos la levadura. Programamos 1’ velc. 6
Añadimos harina y sal. Programamos 15’’ velc. 6 y luego 3’ espiga.
He dejado en la Th unos 30’
Pasado el tiempo he ido pesando 25 g de masa y he ido haciendo bolitas.
Una vez todas hechas he empezado por la primera bolita a hacer barritas de unos 25 cm (no he medido, así que han salido como han querido)
Dejamos levar hasta que triplique su volumen.
Calentamos el horno a 200º
Metemos los fartons unos 9’
Después pintamos con una glasa con 100 g de azúcar glás y 20 g de agua.

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Re: SUSURROS-2 / Recopilación

bollos con helado lolitoba


MONA DE PASCUA receta mjmix
600 gr. de harina de fuerza (aproximadamente).
3 huevos.
50 gr. de manteca de cerdo.
1 vaso de leche.
20 gr. de levadura fresca de panadería.
Ralladura de limón.
200 gr. de azúcar (la receta original decía 25 gr.).
Mezclamos dentro de un recipiente la levadura con ½ vaso de leche tibia. Añade 100 gr. de harina aprox. y mezcla bien hasta que tengas una bola. Tapa la pasta con una mantita y déjala reposar en un sitio cálido hasta que aumente la masa el doble del volumen inicial (unos 30 minutos). Introduce en el vaso del Thermomix los huevos, la manteca, el azúcar, la ralladura y el resto de la leche y programa 2 minutos, temp. 37º y vel. 4. Añade el resto de la harina y la segunda masa y mezcla unos segundos en vel. 6 hasta que este fina. Programa 5 minutos, en vel. Espiga. La masa, después de un par de minutos, tiene que dar vueltas soltándose de las paredes. Si no es así añade harina en cucharadas hasta que veas que se suelta la masa del vaso. Hay que tener en cuenta que es una masa pegajosa. Volcamos en un recipiente grande (porque doblara su tamaño), espolvoreamos la masa con harina y tapamos con una mantita. Dejamos reposar esta masa en un sitio cálido durante unas tres horas. Si hacemos una mona grande con toda la masa, pasado este tiempo de levado, le damos la vuelta a la masa y la dejamos de nuevo levar tapadita hasta que vuelva a doblar su volumen. Cuando este a punto unta un molde con aceite de girasol y hornea unos 35 minutos a 180ºC (si veis que se va haciendo oscura pinchar con un bastoncillo y si este sale seco ya esta). Si hacemos pequeñas monas, una vez haya levado la masa y con las manos mojadas de aceite de girasol se van cogiendo montoncitos de masa y se hace fina con las manos redondeando la masa y remetiendo de los lados hacia el centro para que al subir las bolas lo hagan hacia arriba y no se ensanche. Dejamos ahora sin tapar que doble el volumen de nuevo (otras 3 horas aprox. si puedes) en lugar cálido. Pasado este tiempo se pintan las monas con huevo batido y espolvoreamos de azúcar o anisetes. Horneamos hasta que estén doraditas (unos 15 min. aprox.) a 180º.

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      Handicap betting, also known as Asian Handicap, remains one of the most favored types of bets across various sports. Players appreciate it for the balance it brings, giving both the favorite and the underdog a chance to win. Therefore, bookmakers often offer a wide range of options within this category. Therefore, bookmakers also favorably offer a wide range of bets within this category. Today, let's join bet win tips to learn how to play handicap betting in football for maximum effectiveness. Rules of Handicap Betting Although it's one of the most popular bet types, let's review the rules for those new to sports betting. Handicap betting in football can be understood simply as one of the over/under bets comparing the goal difference between the favorite and the underdog with the bookmaker's odds. If the goal difference is higher than the bookmaker's figure, the favorite wins the bet. Conversely, if it's lower, the underdog wins the bet. Example of Handicap Betting in the Vietnam vs Indonesia Match Let's take the example of an Asian Handicap bet from the recent World Cup qualifier match between Vietnam and Indonesia. Vietnam is considered significantly stronger than Indonesia at the moment, so the team is labeled as the favorite by the sports bookmaker. In this scenario, Vietnam's name would be highlighted in red, indicating the favorite for this match. In the black box are the odds provided by the bookmaker for the handicap bet. There are two options for players to choose from: Vietnam -1 to -1.5 and Vietnam -1.5. The figures on the right side of the handicap represent the payout odds for each team if they win. Specifically, in the -1.5 handicap, if Vietnam wins, you would receive a payout of 2.09 times your initial bet, whereas for Indonesia, it would be 1.72. Types of Handicap Betting in Football Now that we understand the rules, let's delve into the specific types of handicap bets. 1. Handicap 0 – Draw No Bet When the handicap figure presented by the australia bookmaker is 0, and neither team is highlighted in red, it's called a 0 handicap, or a draw no bet. There are instances when it's challenging to determine the stronger team in a match. Therefore, in matches where the teams are evenly matched, a 0 handicap, meaning neither team has an advantage, is common. Example: Wales vs Switzerland Match Let's consider another recent example, the match between Wales and Switzerland in Euro 2020. In this match, the bookmaker set a 0 handicap, and as shown in the image, neither team is highlighted in red. If Wales wins, players who bet on them will receive a payout of 2.53 times their initial bet. For instance, if you bet 100 points on Wales and they win, you would receive 253 points. On the other hand, if Switzerland wins, players would only receive a payout of 1.53 times their initial bet. If the match ends in a draw, known as a draw no bet, players get their initial bet back regardless of which team they bet on. Calculating Winnings/Losses for Half Handicaps When players win or lose half a handicap, calculating the payout becomes slightly more complicated than winning/losing a full handicap. In this type of bet, when players lose, they only lose half of their bet, and when they win, they only win half of the bet. For example, if a player bets 100 points and loses half a bet, they will lose half of their bet. If they win half a bet, they will only win half of their bet.  
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      Corx SHC issues contempt notice to Sindh Zakat Council chairperson ISLAMABAD:Pakistan Computer Association (PCA) has submitted proposals and a datasheet to the government for incorporating it in the upcoming budget 2016-2017 which are [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanleycup[/url] aimed at further promoting the information technology (IT) sector in the country. The tax policy proposals focus on the withdrawal of some taxes and imposition of fixed duties [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley[/url] /taxes on IT produc [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba blanche[/url] ts. These measures are taken to encourage legal imports of IT products and removal of GST charges so that the IT industry is provided with a level-playing field. Apart from the datasheet, the PCA has also suggested proposals on other important issues affecting the IT industry, including the Import Trade Price, increase in the limit of GST registration charges and revision of valuation of guidelines for IT Imports.Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2016. Humedics GmbH has announced that another key patent protecting Humedics鈥?proprietary technology has been granted by Australian authorities.The Australian patent AU20062664108 covers an analysis method for determining a functional parameter of an organ using a 13C labeled methacetin solution.鈥淭his patent is a milestone for the commercialization of our LiMAx test and the corresponding FLIP device鈥? says Prof. Dr. Karsten Heyne, co-founder of Humedics GmbH.Prof. Heyne con [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] tinued, 鈥淲e receive so much positive feedback on this test system from clinical users and, from a company perspective, it is great that the essential part of our proprietary technology is [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk nike[/url] protected by now.鈥漈he un [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezy slides[/url] derlying principle of the test involves the following steps: At first, a13Cmethacetin solution is administered intravenously. Methacetin is metabolized in the liver to paracetamol and 13CO2 and the latter is exhaled in the breath.The exhaled air is collected via a respiratory mask. Subsequent measurement of 13CO2
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      Uwtm Drug bust: ANF sizes over 80kg drugs, seven arrested Chairman Privatisation Commission (PC) Mohammad Zubair has been chosen for the post of Sindh governor.According to Express News,聽Zubair, elder brother of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Asad Umar, was named for the position by the ruling PML-N for his soft spoken image and ability to deal with the emerging political situation in Karachi.A notification in this [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb balance[/url] regard is expected soon.Sindh governor Justice (retd) Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui passes awayThe post of the provincial head fell vacant after the death of the serving Sindh governor Justice (retd) Saeeduzzaman Siddiqui on January 11.The former Supreme Court judge, who replaced Ishratul Ibad Khan as the 31st governor of Sindh, fell ill soon after taking oath of the Governor鈥檚 office.A [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba rose[/url] graduate of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi, Zubair is a former chairman of the Board of Investment, and has also served in IBM from 1981-2007.鈥淧akistan can only accelerate in growth if Karachi is able to [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley brand[/url] play its role towards devel AstraZeneca announced has that the European Commission has granted marketing authorization for the oral anti-cancer drug, IRESSA for the treatment of adults with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with activating mutations of EGFR-TK across all lines of therapy.The authorization is based on a submission package including two pivotal Phase III studie [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike store dunk[/url] s compari [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics sneaker[/url] ng IRESSA with chemotherapy, IPASS and INTEREST.IRESSA acts by inhibiting the tyrosine kinase enzyme in the EGFR, thus blocking the transmission of signals involved in the growth and spread of tumors. A mutation in the EGFR is a characteristic occurring in 10- [url=https://www.jordann.at]nike jordan[/url] 15% of lung cancers in non-Asians, and studies have shown that these types of tumors are particularly sensitive to IRESSA.Anders Ekblom, Executive Vice President for Development at AstraZeneca, said: "IRESSA is the first truly targeted treatment for lung cancer, and the EU marketing authorization represents an important step forward in the treatme
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      Fppg Adorable: Shahid Kapoor shares 'first image' of daughter Misha LAHORE:A businessman was shot dead while his partner and their driver were injured in a gun attack in Faisal Town on Tuesday. Police said Mian Mehmood, Azhar Shafiq and Malik Yaseen were travelling in a car when unidentified motorcyclists intercepted their vehicle near Shoq Chowk. The armed men opened indiscriminate fire at the vehicle, injuring all three passenge [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba blanche[/url] rs inside the car before fleeing. Mehmood, who owned Mian Plaza in Johar Town, died on the [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba homme[/url] spot after suffering four bullets. The other two were shifted to a nearby hospital with injuries on their legs. Police said the family of the victims had refused to comment on the incident. An investigation officer told The Express Tribune the evidence suggested the victims were attacked over some financial d [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus[/url] ispute. He added one of the victims might be involved in the attack but further investigations would help ascertain the facts.Published in The Express Tribune, April 26th, 2017. Researchers from the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences, AMBER, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research along with leading global m [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]adidas yeezys[/url] edical technology company Integra LifeSciences, have announced new breakthrough for nerve repair therapies based on body?€?s own processes in the journalMatrix Biology.The pre-clinical study showed that use of extracellular matrix (ECM) supports improved nerve fibre regeneration across large nerve defects without the need for application of additional cells or growth factors. In these pre-clinical trials, the team?€?s novel ECM-loaded medical device known as a ?€?nerve guidance conduit?€?, was shown to support improved recovery responses at eight weeks [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk nike[/url] following the repair of traumatic nerve lacerations with substantial loss of tissue.The research team found that by fine-tuning the combination and ratio of ECM proteins and loading t [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan schuhe[/url] hem into the nerve guidance conduit, it was possible to support increased pro-repair in
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      Oxeb World Press Freedom Day: Journalists huddle to discuss issues of common interest The recent signing ceremony held in Islamabad between the World Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Government of Pakistan finalised loan and grants worth a whopping $720 million to be invested in hydroelectric power projects as well as governance and policy programmes in Pakistan. This is an exciting news as the country grows in terms of infrastructure and foreign economic interest. Bearing in mind that this is a loan, and not a handout, the government will have to ensure complete transparency as to how the funds are allocated, especially because they will have to be paid back. The govern [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]newbalance 574[/url] ment鈥檚 energy policy [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba adidas[/url] to reduce power cuts and improve the power sector has been there for several years but only now are we seeing any plans effectualising.Almost 96% of the [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley shop[/url] $720 million is to be spent on the 1,410 megawatt Tarbela Extension Hydroelectric Power Project. This would, in turn, cover about 84% of the $823.5 million project with the remainder pledged by two state- In a new and unique project [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]adidas yeezys[/url] the brain volume of people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Belgium will be measured. MS is a chronic neurological disorder that usually starts in young people. It affects around 2.5 million people worldwide and 12.000 in Belgium. Two very important characteristics of the brain to keep track of in people with MS are brain volume and brain lesions. Both of these characteristics are directly related to physical and cognitive disabilities that accompany the disease.Recently, a Belgian company, icometrix, has developed software for measuring the brain and brain lesion vol [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] ume and their changes over time. 鈥淐omplementary to the evaluation by the radiologist, we perform calculations on MRI scans of the brain, which most people with MS already undergo regularly鈥? says Dr. Ir. Wim Van Hecke, co-founder and Chief Business Officer of icometrix. 鈥淲e are the fir [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it]nike dunk panda[/url] st to calculate brain volume with such accuracy that it can be used in clinical practice. It is great that we can
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      Cxqu A Snapshot of the Human Gut Microbiota SWAT:Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak has said the PTI-led coalition government had liberated the province from 鈥渃orruption, nepotism and favouritism鈥?鈥淥pposition parties in K-P are unable to see change in the province which the PTI-led provincial government has brought about in education, health and police departments,鈥?Khattak said while addressing a public rally at Balogram sport ground in Swat on Sunday.The rally was also attended by Minister for Sports and Culture Mahmood Khan, Swat MNA Murad Saeed, MPA from the area Aziz Ullah Gran and a large nu [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]newbalance[/url] mber of party supporters f [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance femme[/url] rom the district.Addressing the rally, the chief minister said, 鈥淭he previous government of the Awami National Party (ANP) had taken corruption to an unprecedented level. In addition, every department in the province was destroyed by their po [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba mujer[/url] or governance.鈥濃€淣ow, the PTI-led provincial government in its over three-year rule has ended corruption and the culture of commission in all provincial depar AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted to AVEO U.S. Patent No. 7,544,476.This patent covers the use of the expression level of a single gene, HeyL, as a predictive biomarker to identify human tumors that are likely to respond to treatment with inhibitors of the Notch pathway, thus adding to the intellectual property surrounding AVEO鈥檚 proprietary and translational biology platform.鈥淭he discovery of HeyL as a biomarker of sensitivity to Notch pathway inhibitors will greatly facilitate AVEO鈥檚 program to develop monoclonal antibodies targeting the Notch pathway in cancer,鈥?said Tuan Ha-Ngoc, president an [url=https://www.jordann.at]nike jordan[/url] d chief executive officer of AVEO Pharmaceuticals. 鈥淭he development of improved diagnostics based on the discovery of biomarkers has the potential to accelerate new drug development by identifying, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]nike air force1[/url] in advance, responsive patients, thus realizing the vision of the company.鈥漈he [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance f眉r damen[/url] Notch pathway is widely recognized as a potential ther
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