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Buenos días! El desayuno del miėrcoles :)

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Buenos días niñas!!

Tengo el portátil tostado así q no me va :frito: os pondré luego el desayuno porque no hay manera....

Salí del curro corriendo q venian a revisar la caldera, luego v me pidió ir al circuito y estuvimos hasta las 8, de vuelta a casa me puse con las botas, a planchar el disfraz y terminé a las 11 y media de peinar la peluca, agotada...

Hoy hacemos pellas, nos iremos a comprar el globo y alguna cosa q nos falta, a empadronarnos y rapidito a casa q hay q terminar alguna cosa y a la una hemos quedado con la mama amiga para pintarle :guapa:

A las 3 es la fiesta en el cole :fiesta: y de ahí no sé si iremos a tomar algo o a casa porque la idea era ir al cine pero está todo agotado....

Luego os doy de comer lo prometo :porfavor:

Feliz día para todas! ???????????

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Buenos días niñas!! Tengo el portátil tostado así q no me va  os pondré luego el desayuno porque no hay manera.... Salí del curro corriendo q venian a revisar la caldera, luego v me pidió ir

Buenos dias, nublaos y el guru avisa k luciremos paraguas.. Jefa disfruta de la fiesta, mira k tenia yo cosas de harry..ademas faciles de hacer, pork lo hice yo sin mucho esfuerzo...Mi portatil t

Buenos días, Yo también me apunto a la petición de foto de ese perro de tres cabezas. ¡Qué actividad, madre mía! Aunque me recuerdas muchísimo a mí cuando me quedé con mis niños. Era una máq

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Buenos días :)


Demaisado calor :porfavor: o eso me parece a mí.

Ayer no sabía que ropa ponerme de ropas... Hoy tengo el tía a tope de cocina :D A ver si me dá tiempo de todo...

Haré 2 tartas (una para regalar y otra para llevarme al Pirineo) y varias comidas de esas de llevarme, así tendré las cenas apañadas, no creo que sea facil ir a comer por ahí :duda:

Con el tema dieta... voy fenomenal:nodigona: pero mal con las ropas (al menos con el tema pantalones)

NIñaaa el otro día, te leia y veo que paras poco por casa:coqueta: pero si lo llevas bien:plas:

Ese perro de 3 cabezas... nos lo enseñarás :meapunto:


He hecho un alto, y como he estado haciendo muchas cosas.... desde lo escrito anteriormente... creo que me dará tiempo de todo :D


Debería salir a comprar alguna de esas bandejas con blonda... para llevar la tarta Guinnes:nodigona:

Es lo que llevo peor, no tengo sitio para esos recipientes :porfavor:



NOs pondrás alguna foto de la fiesta y el disfraz :coqueta:


Como estoy a dieta... me conformo con que entres y nos saludes... las fotos del desayuno me dan igual... ya sabes que me quedo yo con las flores... pero ultimamente ni casi las miro:nodigona::bate:


Voy a seguir... disfruta de la fiesta :beso:

Un saludo a todas todasssss:beso:

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Buenos dias, nublaos y el guru avisa k luciremos paraguas..

Jefa disfruta de la fiesta, mira k tenia yo cosas de harry..ademas faciles de hacer, pork lo hice yo sin mucho esfuerzo...Mi portatil tambien tiene gripe a dias

Carmina descansa en el pirineo, o por lo menos, cambia de aires. Yo te veo estupenda, con mantenerte ya haces bastante


Ayer os escribi, pero no se k hice...me lo comi con patatas. Ibamos a ir al cine, pero no hay entradas...asi k me fui con mis chicas a tomar una caña terapeutica.

Hoy voy a dejar la nevera llena y recoger el cortijo, k el finde es largo y me dara pereza

Mañana ire por la pintura y espero terminar hoy el amigurimi, k son los deberes k me faltan de la semana

Cajon de bss y achuchones lleniiitooo




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Buenos días,

Yo también me apunto a la petición de foto de ese perro de tres cabezas.

¡Qué actividad, madre mía! Aunque me recuerdas muchísimo a mí cuando me quedé con mis niños. Era una máquina de emprender cosas, no hace mucho se lo contaba a una compañera: no me daba cuenta del cansancio hasta que me acostaba. Ahí es donde notaba que la cama se espanzurraba bajo mi peso :lol: 

:nodigona:Muchas mañanas no conseguía recordar cuándo me acosté. 

En los últimos años he notado un gran cambio físico. Hago la compra y llego a casa tan agotada que necesito casi 2 horas para volver a sentirme en condiciones de seguir con las tareas de casa. No se a qué se debe ¿solo la edad? ¿Quizá ese poquito hipotiroidismo que me encontraron hace un año y que no es suficiente para medicarme pero sí para sentir sus efectos? No lo se.


En cuanto a la novedad de mi casa, Morris, nos tiene enamoradxs a todxs. Cada día, después de comer, me pongo a jugar con él. Creo que es lo más cercano a la felicidad lo que siento. ¡Me encanta jugar con él! No se trata de que a Morris le guste jugar, lo que me fascina es que le gusta jugar contigo ¡y eso significa mucho! quiero decir que hay una comunicación entre dos seres de distinta especie, pero se entienden y se relacionan mutuamente para llevar a cabo una acción. Él coge un juguete y con él en la boca va a por mi, me lo muestra y se tumba a mordisquearlo, como regodeándose de que lo tiene él. Si yo no le hago caso, no le vale. El juguete no le interesa si no muestro yo interés por él e intento quitárselo. Ahí se vuelve loquito de felicidad luchando contra mí para ver quién de lxs dos lo obtiene. 


Se que estoy describiendo un juego harto conocido y bastante intrascendente pero lo que quiero compartir es que es totalmente maravilloso ¡dos especies que no hablan el mismo idioma y se están entendiendo perfectamente! Es tan bonito y frágil y tan cariñoso que nos ha seducido a todxs lxs de la casa. Esperaba que mi morsito se mostraría un poco más distante, como que no va con él pero ¡está tontito con Morris! :lol: 


Perdonad si me extiendo y encima contando cosas triviales, es que yo estoy emocionada.

Feliz mañana de miércoles:beso: 

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Buenos días @Vicky y todas.

Día estupendo, calor, seguimos con vestidos y sandalias y llegaremos a 24º.

Niña, vaya actividad que llevas, mira, así estás entretenida, llegas cansada y dormirás mejor, y yo que me alegro:)

Muy bien en el aquagym, mucho ejercicio y muchas risas, y eso es genial:up:hoy el "rambito" a ver que nos tiene preparado:duda:

@Maqui que envidia me das con Morris, echo mucho de menos a mi Lau, los otros traspasaron el arco iris de los perritos, pero me tengo que conformar con verle en fotos que me manda la persona que lo cuida:(bueno, estoy en otra etapa de mi vida y hoy por hoy no quiero nada que me ate.:anda-ya:

Tengo previsto para este fin de semana largo hacer brócoli con langostinos y salsa de tomate casera, hamburguesas de sepia con langostinos y alguna cosilla más, que ya se va quedando vacío el conge:dientes:

@Missis disfruta de tus excursiones otoñales por el Pirineo

Bueno, pues eso es todo por ahora, besukis a todas:beso:




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Buenos días.

de momento soleado, se espera cambio a la tarde.

me he levantado mal, me duele todo, quería acompañar a yas al medico y no podia apoyar el pie, era muy temprano.

se ha descubierto un bulto en el cuello al lado de la mandíbula y estaba bastante duro y grande.

ha ido al medico y total se ha venido sin saber que puede ser y resulta que son dos, primero le dijo anginas, peor le analizo y resulta que no, le ha dicho que puede ser mononucleosis o incluso paperas:nodigona: no me gusta nada su médico, a ella tampoco pero no me hace caso y no se cambia:grrr:

esta tarde tengo trabajo en la capital, espero que no me duela mucho, me he tomado un voltaren.

espero que tengais TODAS un estupendo dia :beso::beso::beso:

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Buenos días. Por aquí calor y muchas nubes, dicen que va a entrar un frente frío y lluvias, pero no especifican cuando.


@Vicky  Espero que disfrutéis mucho en la fiesta del colegio y hagas fotos del perro, del disfraz de V. y del tuyo, hay que pasar a la posteridad.:meapunto:

Siempre corriendo ¿eh? Nos pasamos la vida corriendo de un lado a otro sin darnos cuenta que al único lugar al que debemos llegar está dentro de nosotros.

No sabía que habías cambiado de pueblo además de cambiar de casa.

¿Qué tal tu madre, comerás con ella algún día del puente?

Pasa un feliz día.:beso::beso:


@encarnasao  Confío que las noticias sobre la salud de Y., cuando las tengas, no sean malas, pueden ser ganglios linfáticos inflamados por alguna infección, incluso un quiste sebáceo. ¿Se ha realizado alguna vez pruebas de tiroides? La glándula tiroides también puede ser la causante de esa inflamación. De todas formas, que no lo deje y vaya a un especialista si el de cabecera no da con la tecla.

Que salga bien ese trabajo y sea productivo además.:up:

Pasa un magnífico día.:beso::beso:


@mcelia   Estás siendo de gran ayuda para tu amiga. Espero que las sesiones no le produzcan muchas molestias y, sobre todo, que no haya que repetirlas.

Pasa un bonito día.:beso::beso:


Pasad todas, las que escriben y las que solamente leen, un maravilloso día y acordaos de disfrutar con las pequeñas cosas que la vida nos ofrece a cada momento, lo mejor para nuestra salud es mirar siempre el lado positivo de las cosas, que siempre tienen alguno, aunque a primera vista lo veamos todo muy negro.:beso::beso::beso::beso:

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hace 5 horas, Missis dijo:

Con el tema dieta... voy fenomenal:nodigona: pero mal con las ropas (al menos con el tema pantalones)

 ¿Qué te pasa con las ropas? ¿que todavía te aprietan? Porque si es eso, será que hay que darle un poquito más de tiempo al cuerpo.

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      Xblz Calvo presents the expansion of two EMT lines The delegate of the Economy Area, [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it] dunk nike store [/url] Employment and Citizen Participation, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy ciabatte [/url] Miguel 脕ngel Villanueva, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr] baskets yeezy [/url] will present tomorrow Tuesday, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan 1 mid [/url] May 4, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de] asics schuhe [/url] at 10:00 am , in the Cibeles Palace, the Balance of the Neighborhood Plans together with the Regional Federation of Neighborhood Associations (FRAVM) and the Rey Juan Carlos University. The Neighborhood Plans 鈥?a unique experience in Europe 鈥?are one of the most innovative initiatives promoted by the Madrid City Council, aimed at achieving a socially and territorially cohesive city model. The global evaluation of the execution of the Neighborhood Plans has reached more than 90% in 2009. These figures measure the high level of compliance with the goals proposed for each Neighborhood Plan and have been calculated through the weighted analysis of the actions contemplated in 10 strategic axes.s./ ...
    • Methrenscoro
      Skhg The works below ground level of the International Convention Center have been awarded The mayor of Madrid, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy boost 350 [/url] Ana Botella, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] dunk femme [/url] accompanied by the delegate of Economy, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezys 700 [/url] Employment and Citizen Participation, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] nike dunks panda [/url] Pedro Calvo, [url=https://www.conversede.de] converse [/url] and the councilor of the district of Puente de Vallecas, Eva Dur谩n, will visit tomorrow, Wednesday, February 15, at 11:00 a.m., the Puente de Vallecas Business Incubator, where she will tour the offices of the following entrepreneurs: Service Pattners, Patronista; B&G Innovation; Computer and Telecommunications Consulting, and Santa Mistura, designer of accessories, jewelry, bags, etc. Later, together with the director of Yo Dona magazine and the project mentors M贸nica Oriol de Icaza, president of Seguryber; Isabel Llorens and Mrs. Carlota Mateos, founders of Rusticae, and Mar铆a Jos茅 Navarro, Founder of Bodabook, will present the Yo Dona Madrid Emprende award. Note: at 10:30 a.m. a bus will leave fromPaseo del Prado corner with Montalb谩n Street for the media who wish to attend this event....
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      Sewu The PP outlines its economic program with contributions from civil society The mayor of the City of Madrid, [url=https://www.yeezyy.at] yeezy slides [/url] Alberto Ruiz-Gallard贸n, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezys [/url] will visit tomorrow, Wednesday, May 5, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy ciabatte [/url] at 11:00 a.m., [url=https://www.conversede.de] converse chucks [/url] the remodeling of General Ricardos Street, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx] yeezy [/url] where he will present the Commercial Dynamization Plan for this axis of Carabanchel. The works, which have included among other actions the renovation of sidewalks and roads, sought to expand the pedestrian space, improve accessibility and the environmental and aesthetic conditions of the area and optimize the mobility of the commercial hub and its surroundings. Note: at 10:15 a.m. a bus will leave from Montalb谩n Street for the media who wish to attend this event. ...
    • Methrenscoro
      Yoaz Fresh bands Next Sunday one of the best-known sporting events in all of Spain will be held: the Popular Madrid Marathon, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it] yeezy foam [/url], which is in its XXXVII edition. At the same time, the II Half Marathon and the V of the 10 kilometers will be held. The Madrid marathon has been included in the Rock'n'Roll Marathon Series for three years, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] yeezys [/url] the largest running circuit in the world. During the event, there will be live music performances on more than 20 stages located along the route and a festival at the finish line. The City Council has prepared a device in which 500 Municipal Police officers, [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx] Yeezy flip flops [/url], 215 SAMUR-Civil Protection personnel and 65 Cleaning workers with 20 machines will participate. At 8:30 a.m.acute; the start of the 10 kilometer race. And at 9:00 the Marathon and Half Marathon will begin. The start will be located in the Plaza de Cibeles and the finish line in the Paseo del Duque Fern谩n N煤帽ez, in the Retiro Park. It is estimated that the first finishers of the Marathon will begin to reach the finish line around 11:10 am. It is estimated that 15,000 runners will participate in the Marathon, 7,000 in the Half Marathon and 7,000 in the 10 kilometers. Recommendations for circulationThe Madrid City Council will have a total of 500 Municipal Police officers and 55 mobility officers on the streets to facilitate mobility throughout the morning, as there will be traffic cuts and diversions on the streets through which the races will take place. . Madrid residents are recommended to use public transportation, especiallyre the entire metro, since the EMT lines will be affected by the passage of the corridors. Due to the simultaneity of the ...
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      The concept of the football betting formula holds a crucial position within the domain of sports entertainment, particularly in the context of soccer. As enthusiasts seek to enhance their prospects of victory and reap rewards from bookmakers, they increasingly resort to employing strategic formulas in their betting endeavors. The notable efficacy demonstrated by this method has led to its widespread adoption among betting enthusiasts. Discovering the Truly Effective Football Betting Formula The so-called football betting formula is essentially akin to the experience and knowledge gained from seasoned players. They have undergone numerous matches, drawn lessons, or absorbed innovative ideas. From there, they extract insights to develop a method applicable to many matches. Naturally, not everyone can do this, especially newcomers who often lack these skills. The effectiveness of the football betting formula is also entirely accurate. Although this form of entertainment is known to be full of uncertainties, one cannot simply leave it to fate. Luck cannot last forever, and if one wishes to play sustainably, they must have their own formula or strategy. >> See more: Here are the top 10 which website is 100% accurate for football predictions today? Basic formula for betting on various types of matches Everyone knows that in football betting, there are many different types of wagers, with the most prominent being European, Asian, and Over/Under. Each type of bet has its own unique gameplay, so we also need to possess specific formulas or strategies for each type. The most important aspect when applying the football betting formula is to clearly differentiate between the different types of bets. Asian Handicap Betting Formula In Asian Handicap betting, players need to pay attention to two main points: the handicap odds and the over/under odds. The Handicap betting method involves giving one team a head start over the other team by a certain goal margin. At this point, if we want to apply the football betting formula, we need to calculate the winning conditions for each side. We need to consider whether the handicap odds are large or small, analyze the winning probability of the team receiving the handicap with a larger difference compared to the handicap margin. We also need to assess the chances of the underdog team holding a draw or win bet tips against the favored team. European Handicap Betting Formula In European betting, as everyone knows, there is no distinction between strong and weak teams, nor is there any handicap odds. Therefore, our attention should be focused on the match result. The most effective betting formula in 1×2 betting is to place trust in the team that is considered superior. Over/Under Betting Formula Betting on Over/Under (O/U) goals has some differences in gameplay and formula operation compared to European and Asian betting. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the bookmaker's O/U odds and the winning conditions for one of the two sides. For the Over option, the number of goals scored in the match needs to be higher than the set odds, while for Under, it needs to be lower. In this way, people can derive the Over/Under football betting formula by analyzing the likelihood of many or few goals being scored by both teams. Factors such as form, scoring records, or match objectives can be considered. Expert tips for a winning formula shared by seasoned bettors Many top experts nowadays, with the desire to assist newcomers, have shared their own football betting formulas. Utilizing methods like these can result in significant effectiveness and increase the chances of beating bookmakers in many matches. Knowing how to choose appropriate bets Firstly, learn how to choose the appropriate betting option. Not every match requires participation or a bet on a particular outcome. Analyze carefully the likelihood of winning in the match you select. This can help eliminate risky bets. In general, in football betting, safety in selecting the betting option is the most effective football betting formula. Having confidence in oneself rather than following the crowd It's not necessary to always follow the crowd in every match. Sometimes, if you trust yourself, you might find yourself making choices contrary to the majority. Don't worry too much about this because the crowd doesn't always win. Football is full of surprises, and no one can best football prediction app everything. Avoiding overly tempting high odds bets The key point here is not to bet on overly tempting high odds. Especially in European betting, where weaker teams can have odds that are 5 – 6 times higher. This is indeed very risky and does not bring much effectiveness in football betting. Conclusion In contemporary times, there is a noticeable surge in the adoption of football betting formulas by players. This growing trend underscores the recognition of the significance of employing strategic methodologies in navigating the complexities of sports betting. It is increasingly evident that crafting comprehensive and effective betting strategies, particularly through platforms like free hot football tips, emerges as a pivotal pathway towards achieving profitability and success in dealings with bookmakers.  
    • Methrenscoro
      Lfwb Gonz谩lez Pons: "The PP fully trusts Mariano Rajoy" It has just been inaugurated, [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de] nike air force1 [/url] and for its artistic and architectural quality, [url=https://www.jordann.at] air jordan [/url] technical complexity, [url=https://www.dunks.fr] nike dunk sb [/url] functionality and innovation, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] yeezy damen [/url] constitutes an object of study and analysis for future professionals of the architecture. The Magic Box, [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de] adidas yeezys [/url] one of the main values 鈥嬧€媜f the Madrid 2016 Olympic project, has been presented today to the students of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid by its creator, Dominique Perrault, who has explained its characteristics and process constructive, in the course of an event that included the participation of the delegate of Urban Planning and Housing, Pilar Mart铆nez, the director of the School, Luis Maldonado, and the professor of Architectural Composition, Juan Miguel Hern谩ndez Le贸n.During his intervention, theurban planning delegate has highlighted that "the Caja M谩gica is not only the most unique and significant project in world sports architecture, but also a sustainable urban planning operation that integrates the neighborhoods of the southwest." "It is, without a doubt, one of the referents of the Madrid 2016 candidacy, becoming, at the same time, one more piece of the urban transformation process that the Madrid City Council began in 2003, in order to advance the territorial and social rebalancing of the city, consolidating our position to achieve great collective challenges, such as the celebration of the Olympics." For Pilar Mart铆nez, the Caja M谩gica reflects all of Perrault's experience, which by applying innovative and quality architecture, has masterfully brought together a sports complex that houses one of the best facilitiesof tennis in the world, equipped with a multipurpose and multifunctional character, and a sustainable planning of more than...
    • Methrenscoro
      Vurh Extension of line 103 to the Valle Alzheimer Center The Casa de Vacas Cultural Center in the Retiro district will host, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan low [/url] from December 17 to January 8, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordans damen [/url] the Paper Nativity Scenes exhibition, [url=https://www.jordann.at] jordan4 [/url] a selection of nativity scenes made from that material by creators from various places of the world. It is the first time that a monographic exhibition of this nature is exhibited in the capital. The exhibition, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] nbbalance [/url] sponsored by Caja Duero and Alerto Gesti贸n Sociocultural, [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de] dunk high nike [/url] draws on funds collected by a private collector, who Over the years it has traveled the world and has collected 2,000 nativity scenes, of which 450 are made of paper, 20,000 postage stamps with Christmas motifs and thousands of elements related to Christmas (bonus cards, lottery tickets, etc.).The Nativity Scene continues to be one of the obligatory references of Christmas in Spain and inMadrid, where there is a great nativity scene tradition. The action of setting up the Nativity scene is seasonal and since its origins in the Middle Ages it has been an expression of religious devotion and a way of bringing the experience of Christmas and the commemoration of the Birth of the Child Jesus into the home, but it also includes pagan symbolism and It has deep anthropological roots. As a three-dimensional representation of the Birth, the Nativity Scene is also a resource for aesthetic creation. There are rich palatial or ecclesiastical nativity scenes, some signed by renowned artists, but there are also many other humble ones, made with poor materials and homemade resources. The use of paper to create nativity scenes has a long history and, according to experts, already In the 17th century, paintings and engravings were copied in washes that were later reproduced.They were going to set up the Nativity like this. In the 19th century, die-cut chromolithographs were introduced and, from...
    • Methrenscoro
      Aiqa The Three Wise Men arrive in Madrid and remind us of our ability to make a He states that the majority of foreigners come to Europe to integrate and work and that 鈥渢he danger is radical Islamism, hatred of Europe, hatred of the West and freedom.鈥?The Sectorial Vice Secretary of the Popular Party, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance herren [/url] Javier Maroto, [url=https://www.conversede.de] converse chucks [/url] has assured today that the system of electing the president of the Party at the national level, [url=https://www.nbbalance.de] new balance 574 [/url] regional and provincial 鈥渋s that of the elections generals, the most democratic there is.鈥?Thus, the popular leader has valued the double round system according to which in the first round the members would vote and in the second, the delegates. 鈥淚t is a better and more democratic system than the primaries, which some parties have, then they do not comply and when they do not like the result they hitchhike whoever they want,鈥?he said. RADICAL ISLAMISMOn the other hand, Maroto has referred to the attack from Berlin and recalled thatThat radical Islamism is a problem for all of Europe and at the same time it has opted to combat it "among all countries and all parties, taking it for what it is: a very serious threat." At this point, he has stressed that the objective of these attacks is not only to cause deaths but to generate hatred among the European population within the battle they maintain against the West and European freedoms. For this reason, the popular leader has assured that these attacks cannot be translated in the 鈥渉atred of foreigners鈥?because the vast majority of them come to Europe to integrate and work. 鈥淚t is not a question of race, not everyone who comes from outside is a danger. The danger is radical Islamism, the hatred of what sounds like Europe, the West, and freedom.鈥滱ZNARRegarding Jos茅 Mar铆a Aznar's decision to abandon the honorary presidency of the PP, Javier Maroto has stated that from the ranks of the party he does not Not only is his position respected, but we must also recognize that he managed to get a job.give the center right in Spain and for those ideas to reach the Government with an absolute majority. 鈥淪urely the Spain we know today would be...
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