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Buenos días

Entro para cambiar de mes:coqueta:

No tengo mucho que contar, ya lo hice anoche.

Me voy a poner a planchar y preparar un par de cosas... ya os comenté que es le cumple de mi santo marido y ademas tiene que esstar  muy pronto por la tarde en el insti.


Espero que estéis todas bien.:beso:

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Top Foreros En Este Tema

  • covaro


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  • Missis


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Buenos dias chicas  llevo ya mucho rato despierta y levantada, ayer sedaron a mi consuegra y esta noche se ha ido ha sido muy duro sobre todo los últimos dias, se pudo despedir de toda su fa

Buenos días de Navidad.   Por aquí veo que estamos en cuadro Felicitaros las fiestas y poco que contar, anoche con mi hija y yerno... nos pudimos hacer el test y todo en orden de moment

Buenos dias chicas  pediros lo primero disculpas, pero llevo unos dias terribles de no tener dos mn seguido para poder entrar, bueno un dia entre para contestar y me llamaron, ayer preparando fri

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Buenos dias, vovlemos a mordor...

Carmina felicita a tu chico. Ya veras como el yerno no tiene problemas. Por nuestro lao la bolsa esta corriendo mucho y como no convocan oposiciones, pues menos es nada, asi que cruzando los dedos estamos para que suene el tlf

Neska todos hemos hecho el membrillo alguna vez, lo importante es que tenga solucion

Celiaaa cuando te sueltan??

El resto estan muy liadas, pobres, pero sabiendo que estan bien, pues ya entraran cuando puedan


Yo sigo con mis entretenimientos, ni la tele veo, la tengo de fondo para que meta ruido, ja,ja

Casi tengo a los muñecos de nieve terminaos, me falta un gorrito y ponerme hacer pompones

En la cocina hoy seguire con bases para dejarlas listas y tirar de conge despues

Esta tarde iremos a metadona para rematar las compras nochebueniles

Ala arranco motores que luego vendra mi prima a que la invite a un te,  terminaremos unas cajas de pendientes para mi sobri y prima madrileña  que me esta haciendo

Cajon de bss y achuchones llenisimo...cuidarosss



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A las buenas buenas a todas todas.

Pues sol y nubes, sin más, frío a la mañana porque hacía viento, pero ya está.

Pues por mi membrillez, jamia @covaro pues he de ir presencial a por el cash, así que, salto en la cama y …hala! es que hoy tengo comidita terapéutica  con una compi/amiga, que últimamente no ha venido a las mensuales y eso.

Pues poco más, esta tarde tengo ganas de meterme en la cocina, a ver qué hago, que mi blog está pidiendo alimentos, y bueno, pues para estrenar el mes y eso.

Ya me han llamado para elegir el lote de navidad de la empresa, que junto con el que me dieron en la excursión del fin de semana, pues ya tengo 2 :dientes: a lo que no voy a ir, en caso de que lo hagan, es a la comida por departamento de navidad, eso lo tengo clarinete, ya vendrán tiempos mejores, somos muchos y no se, o varias mesas o ni idea, pero vamos, que nasti  de plasti.

También me han mandado la acreditación para solicitar viaje del imserso, así que, cuando me toque pues ya miraré a ver donde puedo ir y tal.

En cuanto a compras navideñas y tal pues ningún problem, no compro nada especial por esas fechas hace muuuuuuuchos años, yo como “especial” todo el año:dientes::lol:

 Bueno, pues poco más, @Missis que paséis un buen día del cumple de tu santo y eso.

Besukis para todas.:beso:









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Buenos días:) solecito por aquí.

Ayer la pcr salió negativa así que cuando han llamado para darle el alta a P, he aprovechado y lo he dicho, así que también me han dado el alta a mi, ha sido un dinero bien invertido porque de la otra forma tenía que estar encerrada hasta el domingo en la habitación.

Hoy me quedaré en casa pero mañana si que pienso salir.

Feliz día a todas:beso::beso::beso:

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Buenos dias chicas 

llevo ya mucho rato despierta y levantada, ayer sedaron a mi consuegra y esta noche se ha ido:(

ha sido muy duro sobre todo los últimos dias, se pudo despedir de toda su familia y su marido la acompaño hasta el final.

hoy será un dia duro, pero ellos ya están mas tranquilos que no sufre, pero por experiencia se que es muy duro despedirse de una madre :cry: y mas tan rápido y trágico.
bueno espero que estéis todas bien,  con Celia y ishtar ya hable ayer.

cuidaros y disfrutar de lo que podáis:Emoji-40: :beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso::beso:

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Buenos dias, seguimos sin amancer y de tromba en tromba

Encarna lo siento en el alma, pobres todos. Es muy duro, pero desde la distancia  del tiempo ahora ya lo veo de otra manera.. he vivido vcon mis padres la rapidez y los 3 años de enfermedad sanbiendo que no tenia solucion y me quedo para mi, con la rapidez. Siempre les he dicho..que como siempre fui torpe... me den un empujon por unas escaleras y listo, rematada

Celia estupendo!!, ala a ventilarrrrr

Neska es que tu cocinas guapo toodo el año!!, yo para dar de comer a mis animalitos, soy mas ramplona


Ayer fui a rematar a mercadona y directa para la otra casa..casi nos quedamos alli a dormir..empezo a cer k ni del portal podiamos salir...

Con deciros que el perro no quiere ir a su casa ( bajo cubierta suena el agua y el granizo el doble), llega a su portal y sigue para el mio..y si esta aki cuando lo vienen a buscar se hace el dormido, ja,ja...y abre un ojo a ver si se van. Ayer llorabamos de risa

Me voy a yoguear, luego me pondre monisiiimaa que quede con las terapeuticas, casi de despedida, con la navidades es un follon vernos...

Cajon de bss y achuchones lleniisiimoo...cuidaros muchoooo




Editado por covaro
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Buenos díasEncarna, que duró ver como en poco tiempo se te va una persona tan cercana este maldito bicho no da tregua, pero yo como Cova prefiero que sea rápido, nuestro director debe tener muchos dolores y para que, si al final se va a marchar, pero es tan joven y tenía tanto por hacer , el se aferra y piensa que le van a poder hacer un ensayo clínico pero creo que no le van a elegir, está lleno de tumores por todo el cuerpo, al quitarle los primeros el bicho ha acampado a su gusto en los huecos que había, una pena .

Yo voy a hacer puente o acueducto depende de lo a gusto que me sienta, 

Pasad todas un estupendo puente.

Hablé con la jefa y es que no puede entrar desde el trabajo y está teniendo mucho, mucho así que a ver si en el puente  puede entrar y leerse todo

Celia me alegro por tu libertad y que estéis bien

Besos para todas

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Buenos días :)


Hace viento y de momento parece que no tengo  mucha reacción, pero me tomaré otro paracetamol por si acaso.


Sigo con el tema polvorones... ahora tengo la harina en el horno, luego pondré las almendras...

Hacerlo por partes me resulta más llevadero...

Quería ir a la pescadería, al final ayer pude ir al almacén donde compro las cosas a granel... y la verdad que hice poca cola... es un sitio que en éstas fechas hay hasta 20 personas en la cola... tienen frutos secos y productos de Navidad a mejor precio que en muchos sitios...también tienen allí el azúcar glas muy barato.


Sólo haré un turrón de chocolate... ese que era lingote que queda genial y les gusta a todos... :coqueta:

No sé si mi cuñado querrá venir para las Navidades... :nodigona: Todavía no tengo el menú... pero al menos nochebuena vendrán mis hijos... pero tal cómo está el tema:duda:


Lo anterior lo he escrito al pronto de la mañana, pero ultimamente me levanto para algo y ya no me siento:bate:


He decidido que voy a salir más tarde y a la tarde me pondré con los canelones... ya tengo la carne, quiero congelarlos hechos... y sólo falte la bechamel.


Por lo demás poco que contar... cada vez estamos 4 gatos... :pelea: me dá rabía, me apetece saber de todas... pero bueno, es lo que hay:coqueta:




Al mandar lo escrito... os he leido :coqueta:

Encarna :cry: que duro... si al menos se han podido despedir... no es poco, mi hermano era incapaz de admitir que se iba :nodigona:y mi cuñada igual... yo fuí a  verle la última semana y en mis adentros me despedía :(


Como dice Cova... si es muy largo todo malllll y reconozco que sufrir y encima que lo vean los demás.... horrible. La madre es la madre, sientes mucha orfandad:(


Cova... menos mal que vives en alto:porfavor: os cae agua por todos lados.


Encarna dale nuestro pesame a tu hija y yerno de nuestra parte.




Editado por Missis
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Ya tengo cita para la tercera  dosis de la vacuna para el día 13, no he querido antes porque tengo el puente ocupado

Carmina entiendo que tú te vacunaste ayer,

ahora los que no se han querido vacunar antes unos porque se sientes rechazados, otros porque se quieren ir de viaje y otros por  entrar a discotecas, se están vacunando mucha gente, sea por lo que sea, lo importante es estar vacunado y y esta.


Encarna no será igual pero sé que tú serás  segunda madre para tu yerno, dales un beso grande de mi parte


Cova ya estás preparando viaje para la capi?


Neska has podido sacar los billetes ya?


Charo suerte con el coche a ver si es la rueda y os la cambian, seguro que ya tienes planes para hacer en el puente 


Celia ya tranquila así si queréis ir a tu tierra estáis bien para poder estar con la familia,


Nosotros vamos a pasar el puente con mi hija , así cambiamos de aires

Pasad un buen día y cuidado con el covid, mascarilla y mascarilla:D:beso:



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Buenas buenas a todas todas.

Cafelito time.

Mucho sol y poco frío.

@encarnasao joder, cuanto lo siento, vaya palo para la family:(pero menos mal que pudieron estar hasta el final:(

Pues hoy un “chow”, para variar:dientes:tenía revisión de bajos a las 9,50, pues me digo, como la sucursal está al ladito, cojo turno para ventanilla y arreglao…pues no, llegaba mi hora y me quedaban dos, así que salí pitando, llego a mi hora, pero…me llaman …a las 11h:omás 3/4 de hora de consulta, :oque sí, que todo ok, y que las consiguientes pruebas y tal, pero me chafaron todos mis planes mañaneros, bueno, vuelvo a la sucursal y…oh! “surprais”! cierran a las 11h:opues nada, resulta que hay un sistema para sacar desde el cajero sin tarjetas y sin cartilla, así que…solucionado;)ainsssss que stresssss…:dientes:

Pues a ver, ayer al final no me metí en la cocina, pero hoy sí, esta tarde/noche haré calamares a la riojana, y si me da tiempo y ganas, zurrukutuna, y si no, pues mañana:dientes:

Mi viaje a Sevilla/Córdoba está un poco en el aire, me dice mi amiga que ayer estuvo en contacto con un positivo y que está muy chungo en el hospital, y que hoy le hacían la pcr, con lo aprensiva que es y el miedo que tiene a todas las enfermedades, pues ya da por hecho que está infectada…mae mía, un sin vivir con esta mujer:anda-ya:pero si el día que nos confinaron estábamos comiendo y se fue corriendo a su casa porque decía que tenía todos los síntomas…:lol:en fin…

Bueno, pues nada, que muchos besukis a todas y eso, voy a ver si sesteo un poco…:beso:




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    • Methrenscoro
      Sgxf A Better Drug to Save Mothers鈥?Lives During Childbirth? LAHORE:As many as 687 constables, recruited for 4 [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus rose[/url] 9 riverine posts, have completed their basic training, IGP Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera was informed on Friday.The IGP was chairing a meeting at the Central Police Office. He was informed that the new recruits would help check movement of terrorists, curb crimes like kidnapping for ransom and cattle theft and prevent smuggling of stol [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba og[/url] en vehicles to other provinces. The first batch, comprising 183 constables, has completed a three-month combat training course under the supervision of Pakistan Army. Punjab Highway Patrol (PHP) Additional IGP Amjad Javaid Saleemi told the IGP that all 49 posts had become fully operational.聽Five posts had been set up in Attock, seven in Mianwali, three each in Bhakkar [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus blu[/url] and Layyah, nine in Dera Ghazi Khan, eight in Muzaffargarh, four in Rajanpur and 10 in Rahim Yar Khan, he said.The IGP was informed that the construction work had been completed on 19 posts; the remaining work would be completed by the end of this yea M [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]adidas yeezys boost[/url] cGill University researchers have made a breakthrough in diagnostic technology, inventing a 鈥榣ab on [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse chucks[/url] a chip鈥?that can be 3D-printed in just 30 minutes. The chip has the potential to make on-the-spot testing widely accessible. As part of a recent study, the results of which were published in the journal鈥疉dvanced Materials,the McGill team developed capillaric chips that act as miniature laboratories. Unlike other computer microprocessors, these chips are single-use and require no external power source鈥攁 simple paper strip suffices. They function through capillary action 鈥?the very phenomena by which a spilled liquid on the kitchen table spontaneously wicks into the paper towel used to wipe it up.鈥?鈥淭raditional diagnostics require peripherals, while ours can circumvent them. Our diagnostics are a bit what t [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]air forces[/url] he cell phone was to traditional desktop computers that required a separate monitor, keyboard and power supply to operate,鈥?explains Prof. David Juncker, Chair of the Department of Biom
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      Xrzh A Better Class of Cancer Drugs PESHAWAR:The [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]zapatillas nb[/url] Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government on Friday gave additional charge [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg boots f眉r damen[/url] of Director Administration Galiyat Development Authority (GDA) Abbottabad to Adil Saeed.Saeed has been serving as the Deputy Secretary, Sports, Tourism, Museums, Archaeology and Youth Affairs Department, said a statement of the K-P Establishment Department here Friday.Meanwhile, th [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas velosamba[/url] e district administration of Abbottabad has urged people to adopt precautionary measures against seasonal diseases due to the prevailing drought.Abbottabad DC Aurangzeb Haider, in wake of the advisory issued by Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA), has asked the people that due to prevailing drought, people have become vulnerable to seasonal ailments such as dry eyes, throats and respiratory infections.Published in The Express Tribune, November 5th, 2016. Sinensis Life Sciences has announced that it has acquired Spinnovation Holding B.V., Oss, the Netherlands, a contract research organization specialized in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological market. Financial terms of the trans [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]tenis yeezys[/url] action were not disclosed.The addition of Spinnovation expands and strengthens Sinensis鈥?chemical R&D gr [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunks[/url] oup as in addition to NMR Spinnovation offers mass spectrometry (MS) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP)spectroscopy analyses to its customers.Dr Ruud Santing, CEO of Sinensis, commented: 鈥淲e are excited to add Spinnovation鈥檚 analytical equipment and many years of expertise to [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunk[/url] our existing portfolio of capillary electrophoresis (CE),UPLC-QToF-MS and UPLC-TQ-MS, all techniques that are becoming more and more important in working on therapeutic proteins, monoclonal antibodies and other biologicals. Moreover, we arepleased that through Spinnovation we get a footprint in the Pivot Park in Os
    • Methrenscoro
      Kwjl PML-N huddle reviews amending Articles 62, 63 ISLAMABAD:The cabinet has directed the Ministry of Finance to seek approval of a mini-budget from parliament in order to pave the way for the release of billions of rupees for new gas supply schemes in the constituencies of key parliamentarians just about a year ahead of general elections.Ban on new gas connections lifted after 6 yearsThe directive for ex-post facto approval, given in a meeting held on April 12, is aimed at providing legal cover to the 97 schemes worth Rs27 billion undertaken after Prime Mi [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus nere[/url] nister Nawaz Sharif applied his discretionary powers.The federal government is seeking the [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba homme[/url] release of funds under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).However, the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz government may face strong opposition from different political parties including the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in parliamentary debate [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba adidas[/url] . Sindh, which is governed by the PPP, has already resisted the use of PolyTherics Limited has announced that the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) had offered The School of Pharmacy, University of London, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) grant that will be used to part-fund work being undertaken in collaboration with PolyTh [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk low[/url] erics.The funding will be used to employ a KTP Associate who will develop and optimize the use of mass spectroscopy to confirm the location of polyethylene (glycol) (PEG) on proteins and peptides that are being developed as long-acting drugs by PolyTherics. The project is scheduled to run for 24 months a [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezys 350[/url] nd the TSB is providing just over 拢78,000 to support the work.PolyTherics has substantial expertise in the targeted modification of biologic compounds with therapeutic potential. Through its platform of site specific technologies to conjugate PEG to proteins and peptides, the Company systematically optimizes the performance of biologics for administration as injectable drugs. Its most advanced programme is an in [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics gelkayano[/url] terferon alpha PEGyla
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      Cxhr Camel Jockeys: Popular Arab sport costs Pakistani boy his sanity Telecom giant Jazz has launched its very own ride-hailing service in the cou [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba adidas[/url] ntry.Called mLift, the service has [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]nb[/url] been rolled-out to customers in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. 鈥淎s we march forward in bridging the gap between digital enablement for our users, we are launching an on-demand intra-city ride booking service, mLift, where customers can book a ride simply by dialing 7555,鈥?reads a statement on the company鈥檚 website.New ride-hailing service Paxi looks to go beyond appsThe service works by connecting riders with nearby taxi drivers over the company鈥檚 free call service through which they can negotiate rates before booking a ride. The location based service, which takes a step ahead of conventional ride-hailing services, works without mobile internet and doesn鈥檛 require a dedicated app hence聽connecting millions of more Jazz users to the ride-haling platform.mLift also addresses legal issues some ride-hailing companies have been facing recently by taking on board registered taxi [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance rose[/url] drivers The research team, led by BHF Professor Michael Schneider at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, used stem cells to grow heart tissue and mimic a 鈥榟eart attack in a dish鈥? and were able to block the chemical signals within heart muscle that lead to cell death and heart damage. The te [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunkpanda[/url] am are the first to discover that a protein called MAP4K4 plays a central role in how heart muscle cells die off as a response to the stress of a heart attack. They have managed to develop a potential drug that targets this protein and can minimise [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]air force1[/url] damage after a heart attack by 60 per cent, in mice.A heart attack happens when a blood clot blocks one of the main coronary arteries, the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. The heart is starved of oxygen and nutrients and the muscle produces stre [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan2[/url] ss signals that ultimately cause heart cells to die. This means that the heart can鈥檛 pump effectively and this can lead to heart failure. Heart failure is a debilitating condition that
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      Gkgj N Korean colonel, diplomat defected to South: Seoul CHAKWAL:A man was killed and another injured in a collision between two m [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus verdi[/url] otorcycles in Chakwal on Friday. Usama Mumtaz was driving home when he hit Waheed Gul near Khoda village.They were taken to a hospital where Mumtaz died and Gul is in critical condition.Published in T [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance pour homme[/url] he Exp [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]samba adidas og[/url] ress Tribune, August 27th, 2016. A research team led by Prof. Stephan Ludwig, a virologist at the Institute of Virology at the University of M眉nster, has found a new dual attack mode of action while working on the development of a drug candidate against SARS-CoV-2 infections. This could constitute the basis for a broadly effective drug to fight Covid 19. The data, which have now been published in the journal 鈥淐ellular and Molecular Life Sciences鈥? provided the basis for the approval issued by the German Institute of Drugs and Medicinal Products for a clinical study currently being worked on.The drug can not only inhibit the proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 viruses in cells, but also reduce the exaggerated immune response which represents a serious problem in severe cases of Covid. 鈥淚n the results we have publ [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezy 350[/url] ished, we have been able for the first time to show such a dual action for an anti-Covid 19 agent,鈥?explains S [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan schuhe[/url] tephan Ludwig, who has overall responsibility for the research work. The team is collabor [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk homme[/url] ating with research
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      Gqna Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in China LAHORE:The Tourism Development Corporation [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba blancas[/url] of Punjab (TDCP) will hold the first Thal Jeep Rally in southern Punjab from November 3 where about 70 drivers will showcase their skills at the three-day event.Addressing a news conference on Tuesday, TDCP Managing Director Ahmer Mallick said after th [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]nb 530[/url] e success of Cholistan Jeep Rally, the corporation was introducing another motor sport event in the [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley-cup[/url] desert belt of Muzaffargarh and Layyah districts.The corporation would register and conduct technical inspections of vehicles on Thursday. Later, a drivers and navigators conference would be organised in Faisal Stadium鈥檚 Gymnasium Hall in Muzaffargarh.The qualifying round for the race would start from Changa Manga Teela on Friday while the winners of the qualifying round would showcase their driving skills on the race day on November 5.Mallick said the corporation had developed a race track of over 180 kilometres from Changa Manga Teela to Kermanwala via Jhok Wazirwala, Kheriwala, Gudara, Mehmoodwa A team of researchers at the Neuroscience Institute at Georgi [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]dunk low mujer[/url] a State University has discovered that hidden differences in the properties of neural circuits can account for whether animals are behaviorally susceptible to brain injury. These results could have implications for the treatment of brain trauma.People vary in their responses to stroke and trauma, which impedes the ability of physicians to predict patient outcomes. Damage to the brain and nervous system can lead to severe disabilities, including epilepsy and cognitive imp [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] airment.If doctors could predict outcomes with greater accuracy, patients might benefit from more tailored treatments. Unfortunately, the complexity of the human brain hinders efforts to explain why similar brain damage can affect each person differently.The researchers used a unique research animal, a sea slug called Tritonia diomedea, to [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics laufschuhe[/url] study this question. This animal was used because unlike humans, it has a small number of neurons and its behavior is simp
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      Kfxf Gene Therapy Reveals Effect of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids LAHORE:The US has offered to provide all-out technical assistance to [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus 00's[/url] train police on modern lines and capacity-building of Punjab police. The offer came from US International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Assistant Secretary of State William R Brownfield during a meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Friday. The official said he had visited ove [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba og[/url] r 90 police headquarters in the world but the standard of work at the Punjab police headquarters was the highest. 鈥淚mprovement in the polici [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] ng system with the help of information technology was highly laudable,鈥?he added. He said he was happy to know that Punjab police had been given a new face with the help of information technology.Published in The Express Tribune, October 22nd, 2016. Neanderthal introgression Thanks to fossil and DNA evidence, we now know that Neanderthals lived alongside early humans for at least part of their existence. It鈥檚 possible that they lived very closely, in fact. 鈥淪ome of us carry, in DNA, sequences that are genetically closer to [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]af1[/url] Neanderthals than to Homo sapiens. These sequences are usually rather short and, when summed over the whole genome of an individual, represent only a few percents of the DNA of that individual,鈥?Pierre Faux, a senior researcher at theFrench National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, says.The Neanderthal introgression hypothesis s [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy[/url] uggests that these sequences found in modern humans ar [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]dunk nike high[/url] e a result of Homo sapiens interbreeding with Neanderthals approximately 50,000 years ago. 鈥淩ecent advances in science, in particular thanks to the sequencing of Neanderthal genomes with high precision, made that hypothesis a likely explanation for the closeness of these sequences.鈥漀eanderthal genome sequencingIn 2010,
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      Enhr Israeli-American Scientist Wins 2016 Eppendorf & Science Prize LONDON:British polic [url=https://www.campusadidas.fr]adidas campus beige[/url] e said on Thursday they had arrested a man on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack after stopping him while he was carrying knives near Britain's parliament.Police said the man was in his late twenties, and was detained on a major [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley-cup[/url] street between parliament and the residence of Prime Minister Theresa May, on suspicion of committing or instigating acts of terrorism an [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley cup[/url] d possession of an offensive weapon. Firearms officers from the British police arrest a man on Whitehall near the Houses of Parliament in central London on April 27, 2017. PHOTO: AFP Scientists at the Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona, Spain, have dev [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy ciabatte[/url] eloped and validated an identity test that can be used to confirm the breed and origin of meat from farm animals.The test was developed in collaboration with Applied Biosystems and uses a number of specific genetic markers to identify individual animals, providing complete meat traceability and ensuring protection for consumers. The findings are published in the December 2007 issue of the scientific journal, Animal Genetics, Vol. 6, issue 38.Professor Armand S谩nchez and his colleagues from the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona, and scientists from Applied Biosystems have developed a panel of 46 genetic markers that are all single nucl [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics gel[/url] eotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are single sites of variation in the animal鈥檚 DNA sequence. Regions o [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunk low[/url] f DNA variation are commonly used for identification purposes, such as in human paternity tests and genetic fingerprinting, but these methods have
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      Aeyn Seeking A Better Way To Design Drugs A five-year old girl diagnosed with cancer was granted a wish on the top of her list: marrying her six-year-old best friend.Eileidh Paterson from Forres, Scotland was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, when she was just two-years-old. Upon discovering her cancer, Eileidh started writing a list of things she wanted to do, with marrying her best friend, Harrison Grier, on top of her wish list, The Independent聽reported.鈥淲hen we were told in February that any treatment now would just prolong her life and that ultimately she wouldn鈥檛 survive, we decided to make a bucket list of thin [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]new balance 480[/url] gs she would love to do and make as [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr]stanley cups[/url] many memories as possible,"聽Eiliedh's mother, Gail Paterson, told CBC News. PHOTO: EILIEDIHS [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas samba og[/url] JOURNEY/ FACEBOOK In only 25 years, ocean melting has caused ice thinning to spread across West Antarctica so rapidly that 24% of its glacier ice is now affected, according to a new study.By combining 25 years of European Space Agency satellite altimeter measurements and a model of the regional climate, the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling (CPOM) have tracked changes in snow and ice cover across the continent.A team of researchers, led by Professor Andy Shepherd from School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds, found that Antarctica鈥檚 ice sheet has thinned by up to 122 metres in places, with the most rapid changes occurring [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike store dunk[/url] in West Antarctica wher [url=https://www.conversede.de]converse[/url] e ocean melting has triggered glacier imbalance.This means that the affected glaciers are unstable as they are losing more mass through melting and iceberg calving than they are gaining [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 550[/url] through snowfall.The team found that the pattern of glacier thinning has not been static.Since 1992, the thinning has spread across 24% of West Antar
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      Gyan Developing mindsets: For a better future, invest in childhood education Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has said tha [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]nb[/url] t he will not give up the idea of marrying again.In an interview with Hindustan Times on Sunday, Imran said, 鈥淚t is not in my blood to give up. But it takes a lot. There鈥檚 nothing worse than divorce, I tell you. It鈥檚 one of the worst things that can happen to a human being. It doesn鈥檛 matter who initiates it, it鈥檚 a terrib [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba og[/url] le experience. So I would be a bit more careful.鈥濃€淏ut marrying at 60 is not like marrying at 30.鈥?he added.The PTI chairman who divorced his second wife this year also revealed that he had always remained faithful to his spouse while he was married. 鈥淚鈥檓 very proud to say that while married, I鈥檝e always been faithful. I had told myself I would not indulge in infidelity and [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas adidas samba[/url] I never did. It is the greatest pain a human being can cause to their partner, which is why in all religions it is a sin,鈥?he said.Imran said that psychologist had advised him not to get married after his divorce with Jemima because his A research team led by Prof. Dr. Peter Manning from the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre Frankfurt and Dr. Margot Neyret from the University of Grenoble Alpes has investigated the effects of agricultural grassland use on communities of organisms. Their study, recently published in the scientific journal 鈥淣ature Communications,鈥?for the first time reveals that measures such as fe [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]dunk low mujer[/url] rtilization and mowing affect organisms at all levels of an ecosystem and across entire food chains, thereby accelerating the entire system.Want more breakin [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordans damen[/url] g news?Subscribe to Technology Networks鈥?daily newsletter, delivering breaking science news straight to your inbox every d [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 9060[/url] ay.Subscribe for FREE
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