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Que hemos cocinado hoy? Con todo tipo de cacharritos ;)

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Buenas tardes,me alegro que hayas recibido tu cazuelita,es muy mona.Yo estrené la mía y bien,la estrené con un arroz,al que le eché el agua que había salido de hacer un pimiento rojo y quedo un arroz blanco con un sabor muy rico.

Hoy ha descansado la Oc'oo,como hago vigilia,pues crema de calabacín en la Cuco y empanadillas caseras en el plato crisp del micro que quedan muy ricas.

Mañana caldo en la Oc'oo.

Que paséis un buen día.


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Que ricas magdalenas Tejita.......Yo no discuto que la Actifry sea cómoda por que remueve ella sola.....pero para las patatas el tiempo de cocinado es mucho más largo...... Si eso no importa pues nada

Claro, que pensándolo bien...después de estas maravillas, cualquiera es la guapa que se atreve a mostrar las suyas   Lo vuestro son obras de arte, lo mío es...arte abstracto?, churrigueresco

Yo no sé, lo admito, cómo hacer para controlar lo que he llamado crudamente una adicción. Ya tan solo hablar de ello embajona un poquito. Porque lo bonito es sentir la ilusión que produce pensar en co

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Holaaaaaa,veo que estais todas bien.......Yo estuve muy liada trabajando hasta los fines de semana :nodigona:Y cuando hoy estaba en plena preparación para irme me llamaron y me cancelaron el trabajo para hoy y el de la semana que viene,esto no me cuadraba para nada y al contactar con ellos ya supe la razón,resulta que mi hija está pasando por un periodo de ansiedad con taquicardias y una compañera se fue de la lengua y por sospechar de que tuviera coronavirus se deshicieron de mí :o Así de fácil.......Pero bueno no hay mal que por bien no venga y ahora podré descansar en casa sin ponerme en riesgo ni a mi a mi familia aunque mi marido tiene que seguir trabajando por ser de primera necesidad también,ahora os cuento una anécdota que es para reirse......Resulta que mi madre hace mascarillas y como en la empresa nos dieron unas de tela fina de una sola capa,ayer contraté a una empresa de mensajeria para que me trajeran las mascarillas,yo iba a venderlas entre las compañeras a un importe minimo para cubrir los gastos de envio,pero hoy tuve que llevar a mi hija a un electro y descartar problemas del corazón,de camino para casa caí en la cuenta de que lo hice al revés puse que la recogida era en mi casa y entrega a mi madre.....:lol: Y cuando llegué a casa me dijo mi marido que habia pasado el transportista y le dieron el paquete de tintes para el pelo que tardaron en llegar casi 1 mes con toda la movida que tenemos,como? :o :grrr: Así que mi madre recibirá los tintes que yo me iba aplicar mañana que pedí descansar :grrr: No quise abrir el paquete por las prisas de irme a trabajar por tener que usar guantes y van y se lo dan al repartidor,me dieron ganas de matarlos :grrr: Y lo más bonito es que ese paquete fue mi marido expresamente el que salió a cogerlo y va y se lo da al repartidor con la excusa de que se lo dio mi hija.......Ni yo tenia que enviar paquetes ni nada,podian haberme llamado y yo les hubiera dado instrucciones :grrr: Así que ahora me fastidio,como me han cancelado el trabajo ya no necesitaré las mascarillas y según mi madre como no voy a salir de casa pues que me aguante y espere a que pase todo esto y vaya a verlos y me los traiga para casa :lol: El dia que tenia que hacer un envio de verdad y dejé el paquete en la entrada no se lo dieron y hoy que no tenian que darle nada van y le dan el paquete que recibí yo ayer después de 1 mes esperandolo :grrr: Bueno al menos ahora podré jugar mejor con la piji que ni tiempo he tenido :lol: Tejita con esta hay que tomar apuntes.......Porque necesita más tiempo y liquidos :lol:

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@Simpa me alegra leerte, te echaba de menos. Espero que lo de tu hija no sea nada importante y se le pase pronto. Y a ver si la semana que viene te vuelven a llamar para trabajar, mientras descansa y aprovecha para experimentar con tus maquinitas cocineriles y nos cuentas tus impresiones.


Buenas noches a tod@s y felices sueños :beso:

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Gracias @Marem por el enlace 

@Simpa haces bien en mirar lo positivo, actualmente en casa es el lugar más seguro, muchos quisieran estar y no pueden, espero tu hija mejore pronto, y lo del tinte siempre puedes hacer otro pedido mientras tanto. Me alegra que difrutes de la piji, a mi ya no me llama mientras funcione el Robochef y a este ya lo tengo por mano...

Feliz descanso a todas. :beso:


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Hola, preciosas, ¿qué tal andais?... bueno, andar, andar no creo que mucho, ¿no? me parece a mí que este año en vez de sandaliar lo que haremos será pasillear, aysss. La primavera ha venido y solo mis ventanas saben como ha sido. Tengo poco que contar salvo para decir que sigo contentísima con la MiniPot y su cestillo de vapor, ¡que monería! es tan práctica y tan fácil de limpiar y manejar que si alguna vez se la lleva mi madre me compro una para mí, eso fijo. @Simpa, espero que lo de tu niña no sea nada importante y lo del tinte es gracioso, qué cosas te pasan, jejeje, cuando todo esto pase las peluquerías van a estar a reventar con todas las mujeres con las raíces hasta las orejas... menos mal que tengo tres o cuatro gorritas para salir del paso, ya ves tú qué preocupación más tonta con la que está cayendo..., en fin, en algo más trivial hay que pensar para sobrellevar esta pesadilla, a veces pienso que es un sueño y que no está pasando.... Bueno, mis niñas guapas, espero que sigáis todas bien.

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Buenos días a todas 

habrá que aprovechar el sol aunque sea a través de la ventana. Mi hija a medio día ayer hasta se puso el bikini en el tendedero jajajja 


haciendo puré de verduras y unas albóndigas de pollo 

que lo de tu nena no sea nada, simpa



besos a todas 

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Buenas tardes,yo no puedo estar en casa porque no paro de indagar caprichos.......:nodigona::lol: Os comunico que ya está a la venta la instant de las asas tan rechula ella......:Emoji-7:





Aunque yo no la necesito sinceramente.......Con mi equipazo estoy servida,pero os lo pongo para la que necesite una ollita es la mejor opción,yo tengo que disfrutar de mis Ninjas y la piji :) voy a ver que preparo hoy de comer .......:duda:Cuidaros mucho :beso:

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:o Oooh!! Pero qué veo, ollita nueva, y es la súper chuli :fiesta: gracias por la info @Simpa:up:, qué haríamos sin ti...incluso en plena pandemia estamos al tanto de las novedades cacharreriles :lol:

Yupiiiii!!!, Ya está en mi lista de deseos :coqueta: (en cuanto pueda y pase esto :porfavor:, le doy el cambiazo a la fc7, y como la pediré antes podré ver si le vale la cubeta de la fussi...y como sea así...:dientes:)

Esa cubeta con asas que tiene me recuerda a las AMC, verdad @Cece:Emoji-12: Yo creo que hasta sirve para ponerla directamente en la vitro o en la inducción :nodigona:, eso sería la caña, así podría desprenderme de toda la ferretería que me ocupa 2 cajones :anda-ya: (que desde que tengo las ollas programables no uso ya nunca, la verdad)

Me gusta que ponga por qué parte del proceso va, me gusta esa pantalla LCD que se tiene que ver de puxx madre, me gustan esas asas que supongo impedirán que la jodía cubeta de más vueltas que una peonza cuando removemos para sofreír....me gusta, me gusta toía ella :D ...ya si fuera en blanco sería la leche!!! :lol:

Y xdsss, cuántos programas!!! :o

Aunque no sé cómo saldrá el pescado en esa cubeta de acero :duda:, como la instant es como la gm que sin líquidos no cocina...pero bueno ya apañaremos otra que haga presión o cocine incluso sin líquido el pescado por ejemplo....la piji? @Marta.S?? ;)


Venga, un abrazo libre de virus chungos a todas mis cabritillas, ánimo que nos quedan 15 días de vacaciones en casa :up: (aprovechad para lavar cortinas, colchas, hacer limpieza de armarios, reorganizar la cocina, contar granos de arroz, aburriros, hacer deporte, volveros locas,.....lo que se os ocurra) :lol:


Tranquilas, si nosotras que somos unas cabritillas locas ya hemos sobrevivido a un sinfín de virus cacharreriles, podremos con este, uuuupppp!!!! :beso::beso::beso:

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Hola mis reinas!!

@Simpa qué chula la cubeta con asas, el resto de la olla me da igual. 

@Novatinaa yo ya me deshice de todas las AMCs, despejé mucho espacio y con la inducción no me servían para nada. Algunas las regalé y otras las vendí por Wallapop.  De momento, cuando esto pase, solo tengo que comprar una cubeta antiadherente para renovar y no necesito más.

Cuidaros que ya queda menos. Besinos!!! 

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:plas: di que sí @Cece, ya lo hablamos, que las AMC en su momento fueron una novedad y de calidad...pero ya con las programables no se usan :anda-ya:

:meapunto: cubeta antiadherente para la mini pot o para la olla grande de 6l?


Mi problema es que las AMC son el "ajuar" de la mami...y cualquiera le dice que las quite de enmedio :nodigona:, aunque no las use ella quiere que "estén ahí"  y no se pueden tocar:bate: ayyy, señor dame paciencia, o una casa propia con una cocina grande para todos mis cacharrines :porfavor:

Ji, ji,jiji!!!

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      Xcrv Harvard debate on Kashmir: Uprising in IOK a 鈥榙e facto plebiscite鈥?for freedom COLOMBO:Sri Lankan wicketkeeper Kusal Perera targeted a swift return Thursday to international cricket after officials admitted the analysis of a doping test which triggered his suspension had been botched.An emotional Perera told reporters he had suffered "treme [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.it]adidas sambarose[/url] ndous mental stress" after testing positive for a banned anabolic steroid in Qatar last year but insisted he always knew he would be eventually cleared."I had not done anything wrong, but I went through tremendous mental stress," Perera said at a press conference staged by Sri Lanka's board.ICC drop Perera doping case over botched analysis"I want to start practising and get back to international cricket at the earliest."The 25-year-old said he was hopeful of being fit and ready to play in the home series against Australia at the end of July, linking up with his team-mates who are currently on tour in England."I thank [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg fellboots[/url] my fans and the board [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba blancas[/url] who stood by me during this trying period. I knew I would be cleared. I am relieved all th KineMed, Inc. announce an agreement with Amgen to apply KineMed鈥檚 mass spectrometric Dynamic Proteomics platform to the study of brain protein homeostasis linked to neurodegenerative diseases.鈥淣or [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk[/url] mal brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the brain. Diagnostic tests have not previously been available th [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy schuh[/url] at reflect the underlying dynamics of the proteins believed to play a causal role in neurodegeneration. This has been a major obstacle in developing drugs that slow the accumulation of these misfolded proteins,鈥?said Dr. Fanara, Vice President of Neuroscience at Kine [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk femme[/url] Med and Principal Investigator on this study.Neurodegenerative disease is a significant health burden worldwide with few effective treatment options available to patients; according to the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center, without the development of new treatments, in 30 years鈥?time more than 12 milli
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      Qvhb Zimbabwe looks to the sun as drought hits hydropower SAN FRANCISCO:Instagram on Monday began letting users tackle online abuse by creating lists of words that would have comments hidden from sight at the popular photo and video-sharing service."This feature lets you list words you consider offensive or inappropriate," Instagram co-foun [url=https://www.valela.at]ugg boots tasmania[/url] der and chief executive Kevin Systrom said in a blog post. "Comments with [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]samba adidas og[/url] these words will be hidden fro [url=https://www.stanleycups.fr]stanley[/url] m your posts."People can tap on gear icons in their profiles to find a freshly added Comments tool where they can made lists of words they consider inappropriate.A default list of words is provided as an option.The move comes amid growing concerns about abusive or insulting online comments at media and social networking sites."All different types of people - from diverse backgrounds, races, genders, sexual orientations, abilities and more - call Instagram home, but sometimes the comments on their posts can be unkind," Systrom said.Instagram finally lets you zoom in on photos, videos"To empower each indivi Planned for major Eur [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy ciabatte[/url] opean cities between March and December of 2012, the seminars will focus on recent changes to Europe鈥檚 water analysis regulations (the EU Water Framework Directive), ramifications for laboratories performing routine water analysis and research and advancements in applicable analytical methods and technologies.Guest speakers and Thermo Fisher specialists will present effective approaches to targeted and non-targeted detection of emerging contaminants su [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike high dunk[/url] ch as disinfection byproducts, pesticide residues, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, species of trace elements and endocrine [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]low dunks nike[/url] disruptors.The seminars will feature new Thermo Scientific water analysis products and solutions, including automated sample preparation; hyphenated techniques, such as liquid, ion and gas chromatography coupled to advanced mass spectrometry systems; and laboratory information management systems (LIMS).The company will also present novel approaches to non-targeted screening that employ
    • Methrenscoro
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    • Methrenscoro
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      Tqxv Merck and NanoString Announce Clinical Research Collaboration ISLAMABAD:Over 24 hours after directives were issued by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad Police have been unsuccessful in tracing the whereabouts of a 10-year-old girl despite conducting multiple raids in the twin cities and in other areas of Punjab.The girl had been forced to w [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba damen[/url] ork as a housemaid and was allegedly tortured by the wife of a sitting Islamabad district and sessions judge. The apex court on Friday had ordered the police to produce the girl before it on January 11.Child abuse case: Civil society condemns 鈥榬esolution鈥橲ubsequently, Islamabad DIG-Operations [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb mujer[/url] Kashif Alam had constituted 鈥榮pecialised鈥?teams to trace and recover the child and her parents.On Saturd [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg boots damen[/url] ay, however, police said they had raided multiple locations in Lahore, Faisalabad, Jaranwala, Islamabad and Rawalpindi but have so far been unable to locate the child or her parents.鈥淧olice are looking for the minor girl and her parents and a number of houses were searched in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and other distri Researchers at Aalto University, Finland, and Kochi University of Technology, Japan, developed a new algorithmic approach to user interface optimization that takes individual differences into account.鈥漈he majority of available user interfaces are targeted at average users. This 鈥渙ne size fits all鈥?thinking does not consider individual differences in abilities 鈥?the ageing and disabled users have a lot of problems with daily technology use, and often these are very specific to their abilities and the circumstances,鈥?says postdoctoral researcher Jussi Jokinen at Aalto University. 鈥濃€漈here are ways to automatically optimize the user interface, but this is efficient only if we have a realistic model of the user. Previously, designers did not have detailed models that are based on psychological research and can be used to predict, how different individuals perform in i [url=https://www.jordann.at]air jordan[/url] nteractive tasks鈥? he goes on.Example problems for users with disabilitiesEssential tremor hinders the user鈥?[url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy 350[/url] s abi [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance sneaker[/url] lity to poin
    • Methrenscoro
      Mbas Dad's Alcohol Consumption Before Conception Could Impact Offspring, Says Mouse Study ANKARA:Turkey is seeing a positive change in the attitude of the United States towards the extradition of Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, w [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus donna[/url] h [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] om Turkey blames for orchestrating a failed coup attempt this month, Fo [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba femme[/url] reign Minister Mevlut Cavasoglu said on Thursday.Speaking to broadcaster CNN Turk, Cavasoglu also said more than 300 personnel in the foreign ministry have been linked to the cleric.Two Turkish generals held in Dubai after coupTurkey says Gulen used his network of followers in the military to attempt to overthrow the government on July 15-16.Gulen, who has lived in self-imposed exile in the United States for years, denies the charge. Turkey wants Washington to extradite Gulen, but the United States has said it would require clear evidence to do so. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. today announced that it ha [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy 350[/url] s withdrawn its offer to acquire ISTA Pharmaceuticals Inc. for $7.50 per share in cash. Valeant had previously announced that the offer would only remain open until January 3 [url=https://www.dunks.fr]nike dunk[/url] 1, 2012, but withdrew the offer today due to lack of progress."As we stated last December, we were not interested in participating in a lengthy evaluation process and we are disappointed that the ISTA team was not willing to fully explor [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 327[/url] e our proposal by January 31," stated J. Michael Pearson, chairman and chief executive officer. "We continue to be disciplined on our M&A strategy and we are actively working on other opportunities that we believe can create value for our shareholders. We wish the ISTA team well in their future endeavors."
    • RobertGalentine
      Dating doesn't have to burn a hole in your pocket. Contrary to popular belief, romance can flourish without hefty price tags attached. In fact, some of the most memorable experiences come from the simplest and most creative date ideas. So, if you're looking to impress your partner without spending a dime, you're in luck. Let's delve into a treasure trove of free date ideas that will spark romance and deepen your connection without costing a penny.   Embrace Nature's Beauty Sunset Stroll: There's something inherently romantic about watching the sun dip below the horizon hand-in-hand with your loved one. Take a leisurely stroll in a nearby park or along a beachfront as the sky paints a canvas of vibrant hues. The tranquility of nature combined with the warmth of your companion's presence creates a magical ambiance. Picnic in the Park: Pack a basket with homemade goodies and head to the nearest park for a picnic. Spread out a blanket under the shade of a tree, savoring each bite while engaging in meaningful conversations. Surrounded by nature's beauty, you'll find yourselves immersed in the present moment, cherishing each other's company.   Cultivate Creativity Together DIY Art Night: Tap into your artistic side by organizing a DIY art night at home. Gather some basic art supplies like paper, paints, and brushes, and let your imagination run wild. Whether you're painting a masterpiece or crafting handmade cards, the process of creating together fosters intimacy and strengthens your bond. Cook Off Challenge: Turn your kitchen into a culinary battleground with a cook-off challenge. Choose a theme or ingredient, set a timer, and let the culinary creativity flow. Whether you whip up savory dishes or delectable desserts, the friendly competition will add an element of excitement to your evening, culminating in a delicious feast to share. Explore Hidden Gems in Your City Museum Hopping: Many museums offer free admission on certain days or evenings. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore art, history, or science together. Wander through the exhibits hand-in-hand, sharing insights and discoveries as you delve into the richness of culture and knowledge. Scenic Drive: Hop in the car and embark on a scenic drive through your city or countryside. Discover hidden gems, quaint neighborhoods, and picturesque vistas along the way. Let spontaneity be your guide as you create new memories together against the backdrop of ever-changing scenery. Conclusion: Romance knows no bounds when creativity and imagination are at play. By embracing free date ideas https://www.onedateidea.com/date-ideas/free-date-ideas/, you can nurture your relationship without draining your wallet. Whether you're basking in nature's beauty, unleashing your creativity, or exploring hidden gems in your city, the essence of romance lies in the moments shared and the connections forged. So, the next time you're planning a date, remember that the most priceless experiences often come free of charge.
    • Methrenscoro
      Gzux 鈥淩andomness鈥?Drives Cancer Cell Resistance or Sensitivity to Chemotherapy In a bid to mend relations between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and former president Asif Ali Zardari amid Panama papers revelations, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has met the PPP co-chairman in London.According to Express News, in a three-hour-long session with Zardari on Tuesday, the JUI-F chief tried to persuade the former president not to become a part of the united opposition but play the role of a 'friendly oppositi [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus blau[/url] on'.PM Nawaz Sharif & Maulana Fazlur Rehman are wishing to meet @AAliZarda [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus blu[/url] ri 2 persuade him to become President of Pak & save democracy .— [url=https://www.adidassamba.com.de]adidas samba[/url] Fayaz Chachar (@ChacharFayaz) May 23, 2016Fazl has reportedly urged the PPP co-chairman to meet the premier, who is in London for a 鈥榤edical checkup鈥? to improve relations between the two leaders.In London digs, Zardari calls NawazMaulana Fazlur Rehman,Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif going to meet in London to save democracy.Now u ppl know more better then me democracy.— Gabbar (@eaglesaltitude) May 24, 2016On M When it comes to DNA, one pesky mosquito turns out to be a rebel among species.Researchers atRice University鈥檚Center for Theoretical Biological Physics(CTBP) are among the pioneers of a new approach to studying DNA. Instead of focusing on chromosomes as linear sequences of genetic code, they鈥檙e loo [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan schuhe[/url] king for clues on how their folded 3D shapes [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it]dunk high[/url] might determine geneexpressionandregulation.For most living things, their threadlikechromosomesfold to fit inside the nuclei of cells in one of two ways. [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy sneaker[/url] But the chromosomes of theAedes aegypti mosquito鈥?which is responsible for the transmission of tropical diseases such asdengue,chikungunya,zika,mayaroandyellow fever鈥?defy this dichotomy, taking researchers at the CTBP by surprise.Want more breaking news?Subscribe to Technology Networks鈥?daily newsletter, delivering breaking science news straight to your inbox every day.Subscribe for FREE
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      Hbhu OGT鈥檚 miRNA Profiling Service Provides Answers for Disease Research Islamabad Mayor and Chairman Capital Development Authority Sheikh Anser Aziz paid on Saturday a surprise visit to Constitution Avenue which is being recarpeted. Reviewing the work, Aziz directed the concerned officers to strictly ensure quality of work and complete carpeting of the 10 kilo [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg boots[/url] meter (5km each side) long Constitution Avenue within the given time frame. He said funds saved from the project would be utilised to repair roads in other areas of the city. In this regard, he said that the Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation will revive the directorate for Machinery Pool Organisation (MPO) to carryout roa [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba vegan[/url] d carpeting work in the city. While briefing the mayor [url=https://www.nbbalance.fr]new balance pour femme[/url] on the carpeting work, Director MPO said that work on Constitution Avenue started on October 6, 2016, and is expected to be completed by November 15, 2016.Published in The Express Tribune, October 9th, 2016. Researchers at the Department of Energy鈥檚 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have uncovered a key step in the ionization of liquid water using the lab鈥檚 high-speed 鈥渆lectron camera,鈥?MeV-UED [url=https://www.yeezy.com.mx]yeezy slide[/url] . This reaction is of fundamental significance to a wide range of fields, including nuclear engineering, space tr [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]dunk nike store[/url] avel, cancer treatment and environmental remediation. Their results were published in Science today.When high-energy radiation hits a water molecule, it triggers a series of ultrafast reactions. Fir [url=https://www.nike-dunk.it]dunk nike[/url] st, it kicks out an electron, leaving behind a positively charged water molecule. Within a fraction of a trillionth of a second, this water molecule gives up a proton to another water molecule. This leads to the creation of a hydroxyl radical (OH) 鈥?which can damage virtually any macromolecule in an organism, including DNA, RNA and proteins 鈥?and a hydronium ion (H3O+), which are abundant in the interstellar medium and tails of comets, and might contain clues about the origin of life.Capturin
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