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Que ricas magdalenas Tejita.......Yo no discuto que la Actifry sea cómoda por que remueve ella sola.....pero para las patatas el tiempo de cocinado es mucho más largo...... Si eso no importa pues nada

Claro, que pensándolo bien...después de estas maravillas, cualquiera es la guapa que se atreve a mostrar las suyas   Lo vuestro son obras de arte, lo mío es...arte abstracto?, churrigueresco

Yo no sé, lo admito, cómo hacer para controlar lo que he llamado crudamente una adicción. Ya tan solo hablar de ello embajona un poquito. Porque lo bonito es sentir la ilusión que produce pensar en co

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:) ¿Niñas no os atrae nada? No digo como para comprarla pero es un robot distinto ¿no?. Eso de tener ahí la comida y que aunque esté horas no se rompa me gusta, que eches las legumbres sin remojar me encantaaa. Y que te saque caldos con un color tan concentrado (y dicen que igual pasa con el sabor)...


Yo creo que si usas la slow cooker le ves más interés ¿puede ser?

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Hola chicas, hoy guiso de patatas, zanahorias, pimiento, algas, cebolla, ajos, con champiñones y especias...en el robochef, rico, rico. 

@baldo31 tienen muy buena pinta esos platos, veo que estás en casa de tus padres espero sea por vacaciones y no porque se encuentren peor.

@Maqui aquí todas creo que somos muy amantes de las maquinitas y si el espacio y el presupuesto lo permitiera...tendríamos una de cada especie...:D

El espacio de mi cocina para que yo me sienta cómoda, ya no admite ninguna máquina más :nodigona:mis neuronas tampoco dan para aprender a manejar más cosas. :Emoji-28: y el presupuesto en este momento tampoco me lo permite, el mes pasado compré la Vitamix...Así que en mi caso más me vale que no me enamore de nada más. :lol: y si me entra algún encaprichamiento "no imprescindible" me diré vez tras vez tienes de to, tienes de to, tienes de to, sin eso paso, sin eso paso...al menos paso por este y por el próximo año. :Emoji-23:

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Tienes toda la razón Tejita. Yo estoy en búsqueda de slow cooker porque sabéis que cuezo legumbres con frecuencia y hago mucho plato de cuchara. Tengo la de 3,5 litros pero hemos estado 6 en casa y me he visto apurada. Echo de menos una perola grande para tener mis pucheros. Y debo estar caprichosa también porque tengo ilusión en esa

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@Maqui nadie mejor que tú para saber si te haría más feliz tenerla que no tenerla...

A mi me hace más feliz no tenerla por lo que dije antes...:Emoji-28: 

Lo de no remojar las legumbres previamente me gustaría que dieran más datos sobre sus supuestas ventajas a parte del ahorro de tiempo...

Hace mucho que se habla de los antinutrientes de muchos alimentos y de la ventaja del remojo, no sólo en legumbres (a excepción se ve que de los azuquis) los cereales, los frutos secos...todo ello se ve que se digiere mejor con remojo y lavado antes de cocinar.

Pero si los del Bully usan esa es que debe ser lo más de lo más al menos en sabores...o quizá les resulte más practica que las lentas por poder cocinar a presión...y ser toda ella programable, no me imagino en un restaurante hacer los potajes de noche en una lenta. :Emoji-23:aunque los sabores sean parecidos.

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Buenas tardes a todas:

 Hace tiempo que apenas puedo leeros porque el trabajo y la familia me superan, pero a veces leo la informacion que me envian por gmail. El caso es que lo que he leido sobre la Ocoo me intersa. 

Hace unos 15 dias  precompré en amazon la olla Russell Hobbs sous vide y coccion lenta, que me pareció interesante, pero no he visto ninguna informacion sobre ella. No sé hasta qué punto puede engancharme, pero llevaba mucho tiempo cocinando en la Gm con frascos de cristal cerrados al baño maría.He hecho verduras yl egumbres que me han quedado buenisismas. Los alimentos  salen super sabrosos e intensos. Imagino que  al no escapar nada, todo se concentra.

Bueno, a lo que iba, pues este es el enlace.



Claro, que ahora me parece más interesante la Oc´oo. También es más cara, y no sé si me gustaría o sería otro aparato que almacenaría...

En fin, solo quería contároslo.

Un abrazo 




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Hola Lemarelta, ya nos irás contando si te decidieras por ella, compremos o no, nos encanta saber de to, que en el futuro nunca se sabe que cacharrito pueda sustituir a otro...

Eso del sousvide siempre me he preguntado si será saludable cocinar con plástico pegado al alimento. :duda:mejor que no me llame y una tentación menos...

Maqui imagino ya habrás mirado todo el repertorio que hay en la web y en Amazon  la Duraceramic que compraste está de oferta.


A mi si se me rompiera la rojita de 3 y medio que tengo me compraría lla misma rojita o esta otra algo más grande. https://www.amazon.es/Crock-Pot-SCCPRC507B-050-cocción-lenta-digital/dp/B007XEJ4G2/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?__mk_es_ES=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=crockpot&qid=1566914885&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExSDVRNUZRSjhTTVpGJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTU4MDAzT0daOEtZTjVVNzZOJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA2NTYzOTMyRVRRVDBOM1RQWkM5JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

El modelo sin tapa abatible. Pero para según que cosas caben más cosas si su forma es ovalada. (pimientos y berengenas grandes, calabazas alargadas, boniatos..)

Os leo a la noche. :beso:

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Hola, Tejita. La Russell hobbs no solo es sous vide, sino también de coccion lenta, por lo que dice (espero que sea así). Lo de cocinar con plastico alimentario, pues ... no sé, pero no me importa demasiado.  Usan polietileno ,que está certificado como para uso alimentario, y al usar temperaturas inferiores a 100 grados, dicen que son seguras.

Tampoco sería ¡una cosa que haría muy a menudo. Lo que me importa es que  lo puedo hacer y puedo conseguir texturas que de otra manera no. Y en cuanto a que la pasteurizacion se haya realizado correctamente, el golpe de plancha, sarten o lo que sea, final, te asegura que se terminen de hacer correctamente.

La compré porque tenia dos opciones en una, bueno, tres opciones en una olla, y eso me pareció interesante. 

Además, muchos de los alimentos que se consumen andan encerrados en bolsas de plastico Pizzas, embutidos, legumbres, aceitunas con hueso, quesos rallados, quesos fundidos, yogures (no en bolsas pero sí en recipientes plásticos), etc. 


En fin, que no quiero defender algo que no he probado todavia. 


Observo que tu tienes olla de baja coccion. Estás contenta con ella? Haces muchos guisos?

Un saludo

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Lemarelta, tienes razón en que compramos muchas cosas envasadas en plástico, yo de hecho uso tupers de cristal y de plástico de calidad también para la nevera y congelador, pero no sé, a mí personalmente me da manía cocinar con plástico por muy "aprobado" que esté, supongo que no es lo mismo poner un ingrediente en estado frío en el que caliente...o calentarse en él. Pero son temas muy personales, cada una tenemos nuestras manías y seguro que es imposible estar libres de todo...intento evitar lo que puedo y no obsesionarme tampoco...

Lentas en este momento tengo y mantengo en casa (he regalado varias) Una de 3 litros y medio y dos mini, Actualmente no suelo hacer guisos en ellas, el uso que suelo darles es como para "asar" boniatos, calabazas, remolachas, berenjenas, pimientos, manzanas...cosas así. Las legumbres prefiero hacerlas en las rápida perfect, con previo remojo...

@Maqui creo que sí hace guisos en ellas y podrá darte su opinión.

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    • Methrenscoro
      Mxrj SCYNEXIS Receives Merial Research Collaboration Milestone Payment A test developed by聽Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists is [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance f眉r damen[/url] claimed to be the first to identify whi [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan 1 mid[/url] ch malignant blood cells are highly vulnerable to a promising type of experimental drugs that unleash pent-up cell suicide factors to destroy the cancer.The researchers demonstrated that chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CLL, which is diagnosed in 10,000 Americans each year, is an easy mark for the drug because the cancerous cells are strongly dependent on a particular survival molecule, Bcl-2, that keeps the self-destruct signals at bay.The researchers showed that the investigational drug neutralizes the Bcl-2 action, unleashing molecules that trigger suicide in the cancer cells, a process known as programmed cell death or a [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics[/url] poptosis.The research in the laboratory of Anthony Letai, MD, PhD, of Dana-Farber, is described in the January issue of聽The Journal of Clinical Investigation. The lead author is Victoria Del Gaizo Moore, PhD, a member of the Letai group.Letai was a colleague of the lat ISLAMABAD:An anti-terrorism court (ATC) in Islamabad on Wednesday directed the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to submit a charge-sheet in the Imran Farooq murder case by April 18.The court made it clear that non-compliance may warrant 鈥榓n appropriate order鈥?When the case was taken up for hearing, ATC-I Judge Syed Kausar Abbas Zaidi expressed displeasure over the FIA鈥檚 failure to submit a charge-sheet against the suspects despite a lapse of four months.The court has already reserved an order on an application seeking 鈥榠mmediate release鈥?of the three suspects as the FIA failed to produce them before the court during the past many [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus damen[/url] hearings.The court has reserved its j [url=https://www.valela.at]boots kaufen[/url] udgement after suspects鈥?coun [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]newbalance 550[/url] sel Mansoorur Rehman Afridi concluded his arguments seeking their (suspects) release.Published in The Express Tribune, April 14th,聽 2016.
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      Bzao Despite tough talk on North Korea, Trump's options limited Bacteria are nearl [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy slides[/url] y ubiquitous and have tremendous impacts on human and ecological health. And yet, they remain largely mysterious to us. Princeton MOL facultyZemer Gitai,Britt AdamsonandNed Wingreenlaunched a joint effort to develop new tools to help us better understand bacteria. Their work is described in a paper that appearedAugust 31, 2023 in the journalNature Microbiology.Bacteria are incredibly numerous and astoundingly diverse. The human gut contains as many bacterial cells as there are human cells in the entire body, spread across an estimated 500-1000 bacterial species. Bacteri [url=https://www.dunks.fr]dunk[/url] a also colonize surfaces and organisms all around us.Individual bacteria of the same species may appear superficially similar but still exhibit diverse responses to stress, depending on the expression pattern of their genes?€?that is, which genes are actively being use [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezy slide[/url] d to make end products such as proteins that affect cell behavior. Historically, this type of variability among cells was hard to capture b LAHORE:The district and sessions?€? judge on Tuesday deputed two magistrates to attest the last wills of two convicts sc [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]new balance 480[/url] heduled to be hanged at the Central Jail on April 21 and 23. Judicial magistrate Iftikhar Hussain was asked to record the wi [url=https://www.inkwiz.se]ugg mini[/url] ll of Ijaz Ahmad and judicial magistrate Muhammad Yousa [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus grau[/url] f of Liaquat Ali.Published in The Express Tribune, April 20th,?? 2016.
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      Eyjm New Treatment for Immune Cancers Cleveland Clinic researchers have shown for the first time how a class of advanced prostate cancer drugs are processed in the body and how their [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 327[/url] anti-tumor activity might change depending on how they are metabolized. Their pre-clinical findings, just published in Cell Chemical Biology, may lay the foundation for improving therapies for treatment-resistant, aggressive prostate cancer.Next-generation anti-androgens are potent drugs that work by cutting off the prostate tumor鈥檚 supply of androgens (male hormones), which fuel prostate cancer. The drugs, used in patients whose cancer has become resistant to hormone deprivation therapy, have b [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.de]yeezys slide[/url] een shown to improve survival in men with metastatic disease. Unfortunately, pro [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balances 480[/url] state tumors eventually become resistant to these drugs, highlighting the need for new therapies.鈥淒espite an array of improved treatment options that have become available over the past decade, prostate cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer mortality in men in th LAHOR [url=https://www.adidascampus.com.de]adidas campus beige[/url] E:The Punjab government has released Rs56 billion to strengthen the local government system in the province, according to Local Government and Community Development (LG&CD) Minister Manshaullah Butt.Addressing the concluding session of a training programme for local government representatives on Tuesday at the National Institute of Management (former NIPA), Butt said under the Provincial Finance Commission (PFC), the government has increased the local government funds from Rs17 billion to Rs43.2 billion. In addition, a fund of Rs13 billion has been provided for local development works.He said the newly elected public representatives will have to work hard to prove the effectiveness of the new local government system.鈥淭he provincial government is doing remarkable development works and wanted to instill the same spirit in local level development schemes,鈥?he said.鈥淭h [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas adidas samba[/url] e Punjab government has empowered local [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas samba negras[/url] government representatives to carryout development projects in urban and r
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      Odom Bedrocan Becomes World鈥檚 First GMP Producer of Medicinal Cannabis Vetter has announced that its new center for visual inspection and logistics passed its first GMP inspection by the U.S. Food and Drug Administ [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance 9060[/url] ration (FDA).The inspection was conduct [url=https://www.jordann.at]jordan low[/url] ed March 11 through 14 to ensure the facility is in compliance with good manufact [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy 700[/url] uring practices.The facility was already granted manufacturing approval and cGMP certification for Europa from the RP Tuebingen, Germany in 2012.The 18,000-square-meter facility, known as Ravensburg Vetter West (RVW), began operations in April 2012.The site provides high-bay warehousing for cold storage and room-temperature products, as well as visual inspection.Featuring technology, which helps adapted to the needs of the separate supply and manufacturing processes, RVW also harnesses extensive use of renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic and geothermal.鈥淲e鈥檙e pleased with the outcome of Ravensburg Vetter West鈥檚 first FDA GMP inspection,鈥?said managing director Thomas Otto.Otto continued, 鈥淲e at Vetter work diligent The French government has granted 12 scholarships for faculty development at [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus verdi[/url] the Dr Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD) at the University of Karachi (KU).It was also decided that the engineering staff of the PCMD will be sent to France for technical training. This was decided in a meeting of Pakistani and French scientists at PCMD on Monday. KU International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) Director Dr Iqbal Choudhary said ICCBS and French research institutes have a deep-rooted and strong mutual research tradition.During the last [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas velosamba[/url] several years, hundreds of French scientists visited ICCBS for pursuing their educational and research goals, he said, adding that this is an excellent opportunity for young researchers to learn. While Pakistan appreciates the French government [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus blu[/url] 鈥檚 endeavours to award scholarships to Pakistani scholars, the two countries need to develop more academic collaborations in the future, he said.Published in The Express Tri
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      Handicap betting, also known as Asian Handicap, remains one of the most favored types of bets across various sports. Players appreciate it for the balance it brings, giving both the favorite and the underdog a chance to win. Therefore, bookmakers often offer a wide range of options within this category. Therefore, bookmakers also favorably offer a wide range of bets within this category. Today, let's join bet win tips to learn how to play handicap betting in football for maximum effectiveness. Rules of Handicap Betting Although it's one of the most popular bet types, let's review the rules for those new to sports betting. Handicap betting in football can be understood simply as one of the over/under bets comparing the goal difference between the favorite and the underdog with the bookmaker's odds. If the goal difference is higher than the bookmaker's figure, the favorite wins the bet. Conversely, if it's lower, the underdog wins the bet. Example of Handicap Betting in the Vietnam vs Indonesia Match Let's take the example of an Asian Handicap bet from the recent World Cup qualifier match between Vietnam and Indonesia. Vietnam is considered significantly stronger than Indonesia at the moment, so the team is labeled as the favorite by the sports bookmaker. In this scenario, Vietnam's name would be highlighted in red, indicating the favorite for this match. In the black box are the odds provided by the bookmaker for the handicap bet. There are two options for players to choose from: Vietnam -1 to -1.5 and Vietnam -1.5. The figures on the right side of the handicap represent the payout odds for each team if they win. Specifically, in the -1.5 handicap, if Vietnam wins, you would receive a payout of 2.09 times your initial bet, whereas for Indonesia, it would be 1.72. Types of Handicap Betting in Football Now that we understand the rules, let's delve into the specific types of handicap bets. 1. Handicap 0 – Draw No Bet When the handicap figure presented by the australia bookmaker is 0, and neither team is highlighted in red, it's called a 0 handicap, or a draw no bet. There are instances when it's challenging to determine the stronger team in a match. Therefore, in matches where the teams are evenly matched, a 0 handicap, meaning neither team has an advantage, is common. Example: Wales vs Switzerland Match Let's consider another recent example, the match between Wales and Switzerland in Euro 2020. In this match, the bookmaker set a 0 handicap, and as shown in the image, neither team is highlighted in red. If Wales wins, players who bet on them will receive a payout of 2.53 times their initial bet. For instance, if you bet 100 points on Wales and they win, you would receive 253 points. On the other hand, if Switzerland wins, players would only receive a payout of 1.53 times their initial bet. If the match ends in a draw, known as a draw no bet, players get their initial bet back regardless of which team they bet on. Calculating Winnings/Losses for Half Handicaps When players win or lose half a handicap, calculating the payout becomes slightly more complicated than winning/losing a full handicap. In this type of bet, when players lose, they only lose half of their bet, and when they win, they only win half of the bet. For example, if a player bets 100 points and loses half a bet, they will lose half of their bet. If they win half a bet, they will only win half of their bet.  
    • Methrenscoro
      Uetn Pindi police arrest 14 for wheeling during night operation A home-brewing technique used to extract morphine from unwashed poppy seeds can produce lethal doses of the drug, according to research at Sam Houston State University.Madeleine Swortwood, an assistant professor in the Department of Forensic Science, [url=https://www.asicsgel.de]asics outlets[/url] began investigating the issue after being contacted by the father of a 21-year-old man who died after ingesting home-brewed poppy seed tea. It is one of many deaths [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.es]chanclas yeezy[/url] and overdoses in morgues and emergency rooms that have been suspected from the home-brewed drug.Swortwood a [url=https://www.nbbalance.de]new balance damen[/url] nd her student tested 22 samples of bulk poppy seeds purchased legally on the internet using four home-brewing methods found on drug users鈥?forums. The study traced three main components of the drug 鈥?including morphine, codeine, and thebaine -- and found these techniques could produce lethal levels of morphine based on moderate use. While thebaine is not an addictive component, it was included in testing because it is valuable in identifying the poppy seeds as the source There was a need to include retired judges and senior lawyers on neutral panels of dispute resolution bodies.This was suggested by lawyers during a hearing of the Senate Standing Committee on Law and Justice as it discussed the Alternative [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb 574[/url] Dispute Resolution Bill 2017 on Wednesday.The meeting, held with committee chairman Senator Javed Abbasi in the chair, noted that the law has already been passed by the National Assembly while the Senate has also discussed it in detail.Senator Abbasi noted that some amendments proposed by the committee members had been incorporated into the legislation, a statement from the Senate Secretariat said.On Wednesday, the committee invited representatives of the Islamabad Bar Council, Islamabad Bar Association and Islamabad High Court Bar Association to give their input.A representative of the Islamabad Bar Council said that the system for out-of-court settlement of l [url=https://www.stanley-cup.us]stanley products[/url] itigations was in practice in [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]new balance 996[/url] many countries, including Pakistan, where litigants are allow
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    • Methrenscoro
      Cqjx Advances in Alzheimer鈥檚 Research Gaia Science, founded in 2009, supplies state-of-the-artlaboratory equipment to the pharma industry and education sector in Singapore.It boasts a bold vision of building a greener earth and better quality of lifethrough science and technology.Vapourtec's flow chemistry systems, including the wellestablished R-Series and the pioneering easy-Ph [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]Scarpe Yeezy[/url] otochem, will be activelymarketed to the many pharmaceutical businesses and educational institutions presentin Singapore.Mr Tony Lee of Gaia Science commented: "We arepleased to be linking up with Vapourtec who are one of the leaders in the evergrowing field of flow chemistry technology. Their innovative systems have beenwell received in Singapore."Duncan Guthrie, MD and founder of Vapourtec, commented:"Singapore may be small in [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.com.mx]yeezy slide[/url] size geographically but it represents a marketplace that is focused, well established and open to the adoption of cuttingedge chemistr [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]dunk high nike[/url] y technologies."Along with recent agreements signed withdistributors in South Korea, Taiw An English app will be free, so that children in Africa can become fluent in English within half a year. The price of the cheapest 3D [url=https://www.campusadidas.it]adidas campus blu[/url] printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it became 100 times faster. All major shoe companies have started 3D printing of shoes. Spare airplane parts are already 3D printed in remote airports. The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large amounts of spare parts such stations used to have in the past. [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]samba adidas[/url] At the end of this year, new smartphones will [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]new balance327[/url] have 3D scanning possibilities. You can then 3D scan your feet and print your perfect shoe at home. In China, they already 3D printed a complete six-storey office building. By 2027, 10 per cent of everything that鈥檚 being produced will be 3D printed.Electric cars will become mainstream by 2020. Cities will be less noisy because all cars will run on electricity, which will become incredibly cheap and clean: solar production has been on an exponential cur
    • Methrenscoro
      Yjer 2016 Rio Olympics: PBF a bit late in preparing for qualifiers LONDON:Striker Harry Kane hit a first-half hat-trick as Tottenham stormed up to second in the Premier League with a 4-0 home demolition of Stoke on Sunday.Kane's treble took his tally to 17 league goals this season, while his first of the d [url=https://www.nbbalance.es]nb zapatillas[/url] ay at White Hart Lane was his 100th club goal.The En [url=https://www.nbbalance.it]newbalance 530[/url] gland forward, 23, who also scored three against Fulham in the FA Cup a week ago, capped an outstanding all-round display by setting up Dele Alli for the fourth.That helped Alli to draw a line under his dismissal against Gent that contributed to Spurs' E [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.es]adidas adidas samba[/url] uropa League exit on Thursday.Tottenham's victory took them above Manchester City and closed the gap on runaway leaders Chelsea to 10 points.After the match, manager Mauricio Pochettino labelled Kane as one of the world's best strikers "He's playing at a very good level," Pochettino told the BBC. 聽"He's one of the best strikers in the world. He deserves it because he's a great professional."The Argentine coach also said that he was delighted with mid Sleep is essential for function and survival and not getting enough can increase the risk of chronic health conditions including heart disease, depression and diabetes. How can we make sure we鈥檙e getting enough quality sleep? A new study from Harvard Medical School suggests eating more protein may help.Blocking out the worldA key process for sleep is suppressing sensory arousal, in essence, being able to block out the world around us. The exact mechanisms by which this occurs are not well understood. The new paper outlines that information from different senses is processed through independent mechanisms as we sleep.Dr. Dragana Rogulja, an associate professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School [url=https://www.nikeairforces.de]air forceone[/url] , identifi [url=https://www.adidas-yeezy.it]yeezy boost[/url] ed a peptide that promotes sensory arousal suppression by genetically s [url=https://www.nike-dunk.es]nike dunk sb[/url] creening flies that were hard to wake. Their team developed a system that delivered low, medium or high-intensity vibrations to sleeping flies, which enabled them to identify the flie
    • Methrenscoro
      Corx SHC issues contempt notice to Sindh Zakat Council chairperson ISLAMABAD:Pakistan Computer Association (PCA) has submitted proposals and a datasheet to the government for incorporating it in the upcoming budget 2016-2017 which are [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanleycup[/url] aimed at further promoting the information technology (IT) sector in the country. The tax policy proposals focus on the withdrawal of some taxes and imposition of fixed duties [url=https://www.stanley-cup.com.de]stanley[/url] /taxes on IT produc [url=https://www.adidas-samba-adidas.fr]adidas samba blanche[/url] ts. These measures are taken to encourage legal imports of IT products and removal of GST charges so that the IT industry is provided with a level-playing field. Apart from the datasheet, the PCA has also suggested proposals on other important issues affecting the IT industry, including the Import Trade Price, increase in the limit of GST registration charges and revision of valuation of guidelines for IT Imports.Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2016. Humedics GmbH has announced that another key patent protecting Humedics鈥?proprietary technology has been granted by Australian authorities.The Australian patent AU20062664108 covers an analysis method for determining a functional parameter of an organ using a 13C labeled methacetin solution.鈥淭his patent is a milestone for the commercialization of our LiMAx test and the corresponding FLIP device鈥? says Prof. Dr. Karsten Heyne, co-founder of Humedics GmbH.Prof. Heyne con [url=https://www.adidas-yeezys.fr]yeezy slide[/url] tinued, 鈥淲e receive so much positive feedback on this test system from clinical users and, from a company perspective, it is great that the essential part of our proprietary technology is [url=https://www.nike-dunks.de]nike dunk nike[/url] protected by now.鈥漈he un [url=https://www.yeezyy.at]yeezy slides[/url] derlying principle of the test involves the following steps: At first, a13Cmethacetin solution is administered intravenously. Methacetin is metabolized in the liver to paracetamol and 13CO2 and the latter is exhaled in the breath.The exhaled air is collected via a respiratory mask. Subsequent measurement of 13CO2
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